Arena delays and ways to optimize the experience of goh-arena-gameplay

53 posts Member
edited January 2019
Hey CG.

I want to give you some feedback regarding arena. First, it is great you implemented the possibility to change po two times yearly. That makes life a lot easier and helps communicative people, to arrange their shards for having a good time. In my personal opinion, there is still something important missing.

I want to describe the situation, the arenasystem which is running causes daily for people, who have to deal with yeah just partly not so communicative players, or people who just like to destroy others progression. Competition in an arena is needed, wanted and given, but there is one mistake running:

In my opinion, you should remove every possibility to snipe players. In a way, that honors the success to reach 1 in arena, without possibility for others to destroy it seconds after you reached it.

I dont have a falcon fleet. Would have had to spend the 65 Euros for the pack to get it, but was not enough left to buy it. Now i play with my old fleet, and i am able to reach arena rank 1 daily in fleet.
What i have to deal with is, a dude who does not like me and has a payout 4 hours away observes me daily, and has just fun to destroy my payout. No communication possible.

So if i reach rank one in arena, with a weaker fleet than the meta, that is my achievement and not one single vile person should have the possibility, to destroy my work of a whole hour of my life in seconds.

Please CG, work on that. Do it in a way, the success a player reaches cant be destroyed so easily by others. It is just not okay to give vile persons the possibility, to act out their biases in a game which is only there to have fun with it.

They do not do it for a real reason, not for their own payout, just to annoy others and the system you are running makes it possible. Please, put some footcuffs on them to make it not short before, just make it greatness for everybody! :)

Cheers, goldie
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