Unlocked thrawn at 7*, at level 75, g8 (1g9) no omegas

Just beat thrawn with the following mods/team

Ezra g9, CD and CC set, 220 speed
Hera g8, all HP sets, 200 speed
Zeb g8, all HP sets, 180 speed
Kannan g8, all HP sets, 144 speed
Chopper g8, all HP sets, 220 speed

Note: Ezra needs as much offense and speed as possible, as he's the one that's going to deal damage, Zeb needs potency and speed, Hera speed and survivability, Chopper survivability and speed, and kannan just survivability.

The strategy is to dispell ST taunt and dispell the buffs on the DTs ASAP (you can use stagger to do so), since they will melt your team with that. Once you dispell that, focus on killing both DTs, dispelling ST taunt if necessary, then kill the ST, then both commanders, and lastly thrawn. Try to keep Ezra, Hera and Zeb alive. If anyone has to go, it has to be Chopper or kannan.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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