Bad Bastilla, take me to your leader

So I will not be getting DR this round.... so my question is, who will be a good part time leader for Bad Bastilla? It looks like once she gets her rework all of her synergy with traya, cd, and palp in lead will be gone.

Does anyone have any recommendation for a different leader to use in the meantime, or will she still work ok with one of them in the leader spot? Or is she going to be basically a synergyless toon until I get that DR?


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    She will absolutely crush under EP. all those debuffs and Fear and shock synergy.
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    I think she will work even better under Traya against JKR.
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    Hm ok well thats good to hear, I was really hoping I wasn't going to lose the ability to use her because she is a beast haha
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    Super fun with dooku lead, magna, b2, and b1.
    Not meta, but funny.
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    I maxed her out.. I’m glad I misread that her DR ability was a NEW ability .... seems kind of like a bh payout ..... total love that she kept the sith tag too
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