Rebel event

Why is it impossible to beat the level 3 rebel event? Been playing it 2 months and there is so little control over anything it seems pointless, but I want to move on??


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    Work the stuns and get rid of EP 1st. CLS special keeps EP locked down, use Hans special to stun Thrawn, and R2 to stun Vader. Use Ben's taunt to keep everyone else hitting. Took me 3 tries on my kids account earlier this week.
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    That would be great if you could choose who you're targeting, but most times you cant
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    Just ran through it 5 more times.....utter ****
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    Chewbacca is a way to go, it makes it all easier
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    In place of who?...and my Chewie is only lol 53
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    Cant replace anyone anyways
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    Why can’t you choose who to target? Are there taunters? I only kind of remember this event, I think maybe I killed Vader first? But definitely try to keep them stunned, as Baddbrad said above.
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    I know that feeling bro-_-but patience is key...i just got lucky someday and all the other Events like empire FO and resistance are easy
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    Well over 100 attempts is pushing patience pretty far lol
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    I don’t remember the event exactly but I beat it first try on my main and my alt. It isn’t difficult when you know the kits of the Rebels you’re using.

    As mentioned stun Thrawn with Han in the beginning. Then keep (Vader’s or palpatine) TM down with CLS. Use R2 to hide everyone but old Ben. Also don’t allow Thrawn to get Fracture so uh go at it.
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    CLS, r2, C3-PO, Raid han, chewie = press auto 😉
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    @Richfxxx you can't change characters
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    @Richfxxx you can't change characters

    I’m confused what do you mean? Maybe I’m getting events mixed up?
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Can you name the "Rebel event" you mean, please?
    According to the March Calendar, the only thing involving Rebels that's running today is Rebel And Tusken: Omega?
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    The repayable rebel event for newcomers like me who have only been playing 3 months
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Shirley wrote: »
    The repayable rebel event for newcomers like me who have only been playing 3 months
    More specifics would be good. As others have said, it's been a long time for most.
    If there is no specific name, can you outline the enemies you're up against and who you're using, etc.
    The more details you can give about the problem, the more help you might get with the solution.
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    Sry, it's the rebels basic training event...Luke, Leia, Old Ben, Han R2 vs Vader EP, Thrawn, and a few troopers. Everyone is elite but it seems some are more elite than others
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    OP is talking about tier 3 of the Rebel Basic Training Event where you use CLS, Han, OB, R2, and Leia against EP, Vader, Thrawn, TFP, and 2 Stormtroopers. I beat the event on my first or second try when it was first introduced so I don’t remember much about it other than spreading stuns and leaving the stormtroopers for last.
  • CrysSyling
    44 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    It is a struggle, but the earlier advice is spot on. Use the stuns on Han and R2 to keep Thrawn and Vader. And use CLS to keep turn meter down on EP. Then it is just a matter of slowly taking down everyone between the Stormtrooper taunts.

    It is just a matter of of patience and keep trying. Frankly it is no worse than the Chewie event
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Have you tried walkthroughs on youtube?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    The most important part is keeping Taunt off the troopers. That advice won it for me.
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    And I do that how, exactly?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    With CLS mostly. Make sure everyone keeps debuffing (especially stunning) and removing turn meter. Then whenever a Trooper taunts use CLS’s dispel, and there might be another dispel on that team I’m not sure, but just keep Taunt off the troopers and deal large damage to Palp then Thrawn the Vader, and you should be good.
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    There's no rhyme or reason to it..I dispel the taunts and then they are right back. It is like the game is honestly saying screw you, you're not gonna win
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    They must have read that cuz I just beat it lol. Thanks everyone for the advice
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