Can I beat CLS with my current Rebel squad?

7 posts Member
edited April 2019
CLS and R2 event is coming in 4 days. Is it possible to beat him with my current Rebel squad?

Old Ben | 85 | G9
Leia | 85 | G9 | Basic skill omega
STH | 85 | G9 | Basic skill omega
R2 6* | 85 | G9 | Basic skill omega
Luke | 85 | G8 (1 slot to be upgraded to G9) | omega on Bullseye

Should I spend more crystals on upgrading any of these toons, or is it wasting time?


  • Do you have the empire team to take R2 to 7*?
  • My current Empire team looks like:
    zAder G11 (1 slot to be upgraded)
    zPalp G11
    Thrawn G10
    Tarkin G10
    ST G10
  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    That should be good enough for R2. Use Palpatine lead.
    Depending on your mods you should be set for CLS too. Save gear until the event starts, so that you can gear your toons a bit more if really needed.
  • nerubian
    7 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    And what does it mean "save gear"?
    Do u mean dont use the collected items on other toons in case of necessity?
  • That's what I meant. Basically just don't upgrade anything else until the event starts.
    If you have problems with beating the event, try to play around with mods first and use the hoarded gear only if really necessary.
  • I'm at 7* all toons
    OB gr 8, pre omega
    R2 gr 6 pre omega
    PL gr 7 abilities only L3
    FBL gr 6 abilities only L4
    STH gr 6 abilities L5 to 6

    Have 4 days to gear and abmat farm, plus duration of the event. Going to use GW to sandbox them and see where weaknesses are.
    Whose best to omega? Probs only going to be OB or R2, or maybe one to each? At best will have 3 omegas to use
  • khelzac
    335 posts Member
    I'm at 7* all toons
    OB gr 8, pre omega
    R2 gr 6 pre omega
    PL gr 7 abilities only L3
    FBL gr 6 abilities only L4
    STH gr 6 abilities L5 to 6

    Have 4 days to gear and abmat farm, plus duration of the event. Going to use GW to sandbox them and see where weaknesses are.
    Whose best to omega? Probs only going to be OB or R2, or maybe one to each? At best will have 3 omegas to use

    You'll need Han higher than G6 unless you have insane RNG. I couldn't make it last time and that was with all G7...
  • Leia G8
    Luke G8
    STHan G9
    Not sure what my Old Ben was at, as he is G10 and used him in my Bastila Jedi team (almost have 7* General Kenobi)
    R2 I can't imagine I had him more than G8.

    Omegas on Luke, Leia, and Hans tank special (not leaders).

    Throw on some ok mods and get R2 to 7*.
  • I find this site extremely helpful for these things.
  • I find this site extremely helpful for these things.

    That's pretty cool, thanks.

    Sandboxed the squad in GW this morning. Didn't go well.
    Spent the credits to up Han and Luke to lvl 8 (had been saving to hit CLS to 85 out if the box); and Luke now gr8.
    Han Leia and R2 still need gear, and all will need abmats
  • @nerubian You are going to steamroll the R2 event and you are definitely ready for CLS. I wouldn't invest more at this point unless you have a specific use for the toons in the future.
  • Looks like I'll get gear done on time. OB 8, Han one piece off 9, easyish farm but R2 wants loads of the same things - mk holo proj. Need about 80 of them to fulfill all demand.
    FBL 8, and PL one piece from 8.

    The limitation may be purple abmats. OB and R3 have all purple levels, except OB leader. Won't have time to zeta anyone.

    Any suggestions on priority for STH, FBL, PL abilities? Can omega 4 abilities assuming have enough purples to get there. Any abilities to not bother with?
  • khelzac
    335 posts Member
    Don't level up any leaders. Use STH lead, the def and off boost are useful. I don't think Old Been lead is really worth upgrading.

    R2 stealth, Leia stealth, and Han's taunt and unique are important I believe.

    Zetas are overkill tbh and so are omegas unless you plan to use the squad elsewhere.
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