Another zeta query

So, on the brink of adding one, but where? My shortlist:

I'm building ABC squad. Have zzthrawn, omega AA, CLS with ibat. AV is lvl 8 and a week if arena store farm from 7*. I don't have other NS really, but should I zeta rampage or CLS learn control?
I'm farming BH for Chewie. Will be zBossk (lvl 11, one piece left for 12), lvl 10 BF, 9-10 for AS, Greedo, CB. JF being farmed but long way off. Do I stick zeta on bossk unique
Jyn as have longer term plans for Rogue1?
On 5* Sion, in my arena squad (12 EzPz lead and zader, 10 zzthrawn, 10 TFP), or would the taunt be a death sentence at 5*?

Decisions decisions....


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