Territory Wars - rotate start/finish times

39 posts Member
Here in Australia, the TW's finish at 4am. Our guild doesnt get the oportunity to check on the progress and complete additional battles to help win the war at this time.
It would be nice, for this global game, to rotate the start and finish times around the clock. Say by 4 or 6 hours each rotation?
I see alot of guilds with wide international members will rotate their raids so every member has the chance to attack at a better time.
Is this something reasonable to ask for?


  • Yeah 2am in Perth is when it finishes for me.
  • It sounds like you should go all out from beginning to end instead of trying to do the minimum to win.
  • Kevo
    39 posts Member
    It's not like our entire guild is on at the same time. It's easy to say just get it done. There are some TW walls which need the whole guild to pitch in. Not always possible at the same time.
  • But TW lasts for 24-Hours, so regardless of when it starts/ends every guild has the same amount of time where it's running and they aren't asleep or at work etc - if the start/end changed then you'd just have times that you're currently on doing battles that you now wouldn't be, and times you're not currently on that you now would be, resulting in the exact same amount of time available for attacking.
    TW isn't about when it starts/ends it's about using the time when you ARE online to attack, it makes no difference if you attack early in the 24-hrs or late.
  • Yeah i understand OP's problem, but i guess it's the same for all.
    Fortunately our guild is spread over the globe and we attack over 24 hours almost non stop B)
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
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