Relics increases the chance of applying debuffs?

i just uprgaded my Jedi Knight Anakin from gear level 12 to gear level 13 and increasedrelics to level 4. My JKA was modded for 0 potency( nowhere on my mods have no pottency set/primaries/secondaries) for soloing the phase 3 of the sith raid with nightsisters under a Mother Talzin lead. Then this happened: My JKA applied most of the time debuffs with his basic. This screwed up my strategy and failed not even making half of the phase. This was tried more and more time and this happened again and again. I checked and it showed no increase of potency, not even at relic7. So maybe it is a bug. Plz if this is really a bug fix it. it so bad that i used all my source to relic this character then this became a bad disadvantage.
By the way: anyone else had experienced something like this?


  • Possible cause (unrelated to relics which as you said don't increase potency)

    Anakin's g12 finisher piece adds 15% potency


    Make sure you don't kill any of the sabers on your setup run that uses up isolate, each saber killed adds 10% tenacity. You may need a second topple given the extra 15% potency but at that point the sabers killed should more than allow you to complete the run.
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