Star Wars: Galaxy of Unused Heroes

We have a galaxy of unused heroes with nothing to do — but farm gear and once that’s done, farm relics.

What is the point of heroes if we cannot use ALL of our heroes?

Response #1: CG has said in prior posts that some players do not want to be tied down to a mobile game... yet this does not answer decisions made:

1. Tied down to a game or tied down to mindlessly hard, randomized events that can take hours or days to finish ?
2. Are said events with their increased difficulty — by difficulty I mean here insane RNG — fun ? Legit, did anyone actually enjoy or have fun with the recent General Anakin event ? Or did it drive you crazy with the degree of randomness of constant restarts because one battle can destroy a character and the others, not ?

In fact, CG has said it was not their intention for the HSTR to have been played multiple run throughs for the perfect score and they changed the dynamics of it to reduce the hours needed. Why then is the same mechanic being used over and over again? It is not fun; it involves not strategy first but correct RNG.

All the recent events have required multiple hours of tedious, not fun logged game time: General Skywalker, the TBs, c3po, chewie, on and on.

Why do we get this response of gamers don’t want to be tied down to a mobile game — when every single event requires tedious time requirements?

If anything, better content should be there for players to have the choice to engage with the game.

Response #2 of lack of content

CG has said that there has been new content but said content takes a lot of time.

OK? Then work around this. Make the events like General Anakin multifaceted. If it takes a year to develop for it to become irrelevant after its completion, then is that time well spent ?

Change the event so it has multiple run throughs: a fallen Anakin event could have two character unlocks, where only one can be chosen during each iteration: fallen Anakin, chancellor palatine... or even some minor non meta characters like a generic clone or senator organa.

These events could have more game play and more interaction than the current design especially if they take so much time to create.

More fun content is needed:

1. More GAC lineups. It takes so long for the window to open, then to place defenses — all for about what ten minutes of actual gameplay?
2. Make a TB like individual pvp battle: players set ALL of their characters on defense in each zone— all the zones have increasing GP restrictions. It’s an all vs all. **I want to be able to use all my toons** Also, like the TW bonuses, the maps could have bonuses for future additions. If GAC favors the focused roster, this gives the robust accounts favor. Balance is good.
3. This is galaxy of heroes, not galaxy of gears. It appears the emphasis of new content has been on not characters but stuff needed for the characters need before you can use them. When is the easing of gearing coming ? The fun, new content can’t be used once you get it until you have secondary and now tertiary gearing
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