What Phoenix Squad moves/abilities should I upgrade and level up first?

Hello, new player here. I am currently level 43 and have unlocked all of the Phoenix squad except for Chopper. While I'm collecting his shards through the cantina store I have been leveling up my other Phoenix squad characters. I currently have 33 mk1 ability material, 32 mk2 ability material, and 12 mk3 material. However I am still a little bit confused on what moves/abilities I should upgrade first. The only ones I have done are as follows... Ezra: Rushing Strike 2, Flourish 2, Watch and learn 3... Hera: Play to Strengths 2, Backup Plan 3. The rest of my Phoenix squad members that I have unlocked (Kanan and Zeb) have none of their moves upgraded.
If anyone could help me with what I should level up first I would appreciate it a lot. In addition if Chopper has any interesting abilities that I should save up to level up for, then please let me know

(If you saw this post earlier in another thread, I apologize. I accidentally posted this in character feedback)


  • Hera leadership and all their uniques are the best ones to start with. After that, Ezra & Kanan are the most useful/versatile Phoenix toons, so I’d prioritise them.
  • Because Phoenix share all their uniques with each other, I would always upgrade all their unique abilities first. Especially Ezra's unique and Kanan's unique first for extra offense and counter chance.
  • Pretty simple and straightforward, thank you guys!
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