
31 posts Member
edited March 2016
I'm not ranting. But maybe this is just a minor grumble. :)

According to today's update, only dolphins and whales...err...sorry, "those who have spent $200 or more over the past few months" can get access to the new Aurodium pack. Which, being an addicted sucker (I mean, dolphin), I qualify as. So I plunked down another $10 to load up on crystals, and spent 750 of them to get the Aurodium pack.

And basically all I got was 4 shards towards the Tusken Shaman. Thanks for nothing?

Now, yes, I realize that there was only "a chance" I would unlock the full character. So I'm not griping about that. I knew the possibility existed that I wouldn't get one, and I have to live with that. I'm a grown up (most days) and life will go on.

But really? 750 crystals for 100k credits, 2 mats, and an insignificant amount of shards? If my luck continues, I would need to buy 10 Aurodium packs to unlock this character.

I know the developers need to make money, and I know EA has stock holders to answer to. But really? If we plunk down $10, can you please just give us the dang Tusken Shaman? I mean... it's a 3* TUSKEN SHAMAN. Not like it's a 7* Vader we're talking about.

</ end rant >


  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    Did you miss the last time around with Rex? Same deal. I think the average there was 3rd time for full character.
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    scuba wrote: »
    Did you miss the last time around with Rex? Same deal. I think the average there was 3rd time for full character.

    I can't remember if I did it with Rex. Probably. I see I have 4 shards (only) for him, so I probably did. So it's not like I went in blind to this. But yeah, same deal. Just give us the toon, even if it's only 2* or 3*

    This one just hurts extra cause it's a dark side healer. :'(
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    Backdragon wrote: »

    I can't remember if I did it with Rex. Probably. I see I have 4 shards (only) for him, so I probably did. So it's not like I went in blind to this. But yeah, same deal. Just give us the toon, even if it's only 2* or 3*

    This one just hurts extra cause it's a dark side healer. :'(

    The fact that Tuskan Shaman is a dark side healer is exactly why EA will never give a guaranteed character drop for him. They know that many people are going to keep buying aurodium packs even if the drop rates are total garbage because dark side healers are so rare.
  • Mythov
    97 posts Member
    Took me 15 tries to unlock Rex... Very fun. But i think i ammore unlucky than most ;)
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    Well let's say you do get a full character drop. Are you going to play him with only 4 stars or however many his character drop is?
  • Puglio
    161 posts Member
    It has to be in the past few months now? You can't even buy your way into the cool kid club permanently? That's really, really low. Like... despicable. A level of greed that is offensive. Nice to know there is no point in starting to spend serious money because it won't count for anything long-term anyway.
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    Pulled him on my second pack ! Of course I have no way of leveling him up , but his heal would be boss with Vader on his team
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    I don't see much point to him as he is a tusken. I mea it would be nice to have another ds healer but the toons he has synergies with are eh at best. Urorur completely sucks and tusked raider is decent but he is outclassed by geo soldier and FOTP so the tuskers are mostly not much. What i'm hoping for is they add in some sith so its viable have a full sith team or maybe a droid healer. Darth Bane (with orbalisks) would be a sith tank with high strength and armor. Description: A sith tank that can self heal and deflect attacks but puts negative effects on himself and deals damage to opponents when he dies
    Basic: Destroy: deals physical damage to target with a 50% critical chance and a 50% chance to inflict damage over time
    Special:(cool down 3 turns,AOE) Force rage-Deals special damage to all enemies and takes away all buffs.Bane recover health equal to 75% of damage dealt and taunts for 2 turns
    2nd Special:(cool down 6 turns)Death blow- deals special damage to target enemy equal to 30% of targets health and inflicts damage over time, healing immunity,buff immunity,gets exposed, for 3 turns and bane loses 5% max health and get damage over time for 2 turns
    Unique:Orbalisk armor-Bane has 25% chance to deflect every attack and loses 2% percent of his max health and gains vulnerability(can't evade or deflect next attack) every time he does. this does not apply to force lightning.
    Leader:Unstoppable brute- all sith allies get +20% strength and +20% armor whenever they suffer a critical hit. In addition when darth bane dies all enemies lose 10% max health and receive buff immunity and damage over time

    Darth Revan would be a sith support that has high intelligence and tenacity
    Description:A sith support that grants other sith that grants other sith buffs and gains power for every critical hit dealt to opponents.(These are level 8 abilities
    Basic: Strategic blow-Deals physical damage to target enemy and grants all sith allies 15% evasion up and 30% counter chance for 2 turns
    special:(cool down 2 turns)Strength in numbers-Deals special damage to target enemy and does 15% more damage and for every living sith ally and has a 30% chance to grant a random sith ally 40% turn meter and speed up for 1 turn
    Unique:Experienced Warlord-Darth Revan gains 2 speed and 10% max health and 2% life steal on his basic for each jedi opponent and sith allies gain half that amount
    Leader:Strategical advantage-Sith allies gain 20 speed and gain 10% max health,evasion,tenacity,and +20% damage against jedi

    and i'll put darth plagueis later for what I want
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    No way these sound broken no way it would work there's to much chance and percentages
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    I can guarantee he will eventually be released into some type of accessible avenue. Though Tusken synergy is strong, so the Shaman is very tempting.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    I was tempted enough to spend 750 once. Got 4 shards. Soooo let's see, 4 shards times 750 crystals times... how many shard to get him to 7*? Oh forget it.

    Not until he comes another way.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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