“Jedi” and “Sith” Tags



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    Meh, it’s already unbalanced. Rey doesn’t even need the Jedi tag and people already have a vendetta against the character.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    val3nt1n0 wrote: »
    I have several questions regarding tags

    • Why does the First Order Sith Trooper has a “Sith” tag but not Asajj Ventress or HK-47?
    • Is the tag based on official canon label on the character’s practice or is it based on their affiliation and loyalty to their respective faction?
    • Or is it based on namesake? — Because if it is, Rey (Jedi Training) should also have the “Jedi” tag.
    • If Rey (Jedi Training) has the ‘Jedi’ tag, why not Commander Luke Skywalker have it too? After all, he was a Jedi Padawan to Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back.
    • If Jedi Padawan are not considered “Jedi”, shouldn’t Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee have their “Jedi” tags removed too?

    The usual argument for the Sith would be “‘Canon’ Rule of Two” but think about it: There are a few characters introduced in the game that is non-canon such as the Old Republic characters so...

    • Is the ‘canon’ argument really valid? — I personally find the tags a little inconsistent. Do share your thoughts.

    The rule of two is enforced by the will of the Sith Lord and time. In real life, there can be only 1 Pope, but at 1 time there were 3. Guess how that was settled

    Same deal with the Sith rule of 2.

    NS =/= Sith. NS seemed to have their own neutral code when it came to dark/light. Came across as creepy neutral not evil. Their infatuation with dark magic wasn't necessarily out of powercraving.

    Jedi title was a title. Not all light-side force-sensitives were Jedi and not all Jedi were = in force ability.

    Rey should have Jedi tag. The order was functionally eliminated at her point though.

    The retiring pope becomes Pope Emeritus. What was your point on mentioning Catholism? Same goes with Nuncios, Archbishops and Bishops of their respective regions and cities. Haha! #altarboy

    I was not talking about Nightsisters like Mother Talzin and Old Daka. Kinda tired on people explaining to others about ‘Rule of Two’ already... If they don’t know about it, they are probably new to the legendary franchise or they are just kids. Also, it’s as if rules are always being followed in the first place, factual and fictional.

    Not all lightsaber duellist are force-sensitive.
    Not all force-sensitives are lightsaber duellist.
    Not all dark-side force-sensitives are Siths.
    Not all light-side force-sensitives are Jedis.

    Should turn this into a Star Wars fan creed... Haha

    The point being made is not whether Asajj Ventress is officially a Sith. It’s how the tags are being issued: Having a legion of First Order Sith Troopers, in accordance to people’s precious Rule of Two, is that they should not have the ‘Sith’ tag. Right?

    How can you justify refusing to add the precious and exclusive ‘Sith’ tag to characters that are more significant to the alignment but allow a legion of mere foot soldiers to have it?

    Just to bring this up...
    The Jedi were just myth by the sequels, even more so the Sith.

    The Galactic Empire was known to be led by Emperor Palpatine. Yes, his public persona. Not as Darth Sidious, his Sith persona. The Empire’s imperial troopers were really just empire soldiers loyal to the Galactic Empire, previously the Galactic Republic, without questioning if their emperor is Sith or not.

    The First Order’s army however, to current understanding, is created by none other than a redirected Sheev Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious). Its army we saw in The Rise of Skywalker fully know that their loyalty is to Sheev Palpatine because he is a Sith Lord, Darth Sidious.

    So, yes. Maybe that can justify why the Clone Troopers does not have the ‘Jedi’ tag, nor the Imperial Troopers and the other First Order Troopers have the ‘Sith’ tag, but the First Order Sith Trooper does. It is justifiable based on their perception of their loyalty and primary affiliation.

    But having that justification further raises the question why does Asajj Ventress, who was loyal to Count Dooku (aka Darth Tyranus) on the primary reason that he teaches her the dark side as his apprentice (Watch the part where her memories are revealed). She addresses Count Dooku as “Master” knowing full well he is a Sith, unlike General Grevious who addresses him as a politician, “My Lord”.

    See the difference on their primary affiliation?

    Asajj Ventress was with Count Dooku because she was loyal to him being a Sith, a dark-side master to her.
    General Grevious was with Count Dooku because he was loyal to him as the leading politician for the Separarist.

    Either ways, Asajj Ventress has a stronger claim to the ‘Sith’ tag than the First Order Sith Troopers.
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    Jedi are LS-force-sensitive creatures. Sith are DS-force-sensitive creatures. No droid was force sensitive in lore to the best of my knowledge. LOL, according to HK47, you need to be a meatbag.

    Yes, the labels of Sith and Jedi did both require training, however 1st you needed to be a force-sensitive creature with minichlorians in your blood according to lore.
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