Concept kit: Admiral Trench and the Invincible

Unit name-Admiral Trench

Tags-Dark side, Support, Leader, Separatist, Fleet Commander

Basic-Cunning Strategist

Call a target ally to attack and a random Separatist ally will assist, dealing 50% less damage.

Special-How could we have missed this? (Cooldown: 4)

Inflict expose, offense down, and critical chance down on all enemies

Leader-I smell fear (Synergy: Separatist)

Separatist allies gain 2x critical chance and 20%

Unique-Hardened Harch

The first time Admiral Trench is defeated, he revives at 50% health.

Description-Deadly Separatist tactician that crushes and exposes his enemies.

Ship name-Invincible.

Tags-Dark side, Capital ship, Separatist

Basic-Invincible barrage

Deal basic damage to target enemy and inflict expose

Special-Tracking torpedoes (Cooldown:2)

Deal damage to all enemies, double for targets with expose.

Character ability-Cat and Mouse

At the start of the battle, all enemies gain expose

Non attack ability-Magnetic tracking (Cooldown: 2)

Dispell stealth from all enemies

Ultimate-Brilliant plan (Cooldown: 15)

Give all allies 100% turn meter and 2x critical chance


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