Kit Reveal: This is the Rhythm of the Night Super Trooper Farva

448 posts EA Community Manager
edited July 1

UNIT NAME: Night Trooper
CATEGORIES: Attacker, Imperial Remnant, Nightsisters

Key Attributes:
  • New debuff, Blight, which has similarities with Plague
  • New buff, Alert, which has synergy with Turn Meter gains and characters using their Special abilities
  • Resilient, shambling Attacker who greatly benefits from Potency

  • The Disney+ show Ahsoka showcased some terrific visuals throughout the series of these obedient Troopers on Peridea. We wanted to capture their undying nature and persistence both mechanically and visually.
  • While not technically Nightsisters, we gave the tag as a nod to the Majik the Nightsisters used on them as well as to provide players some flexibility on different squads to use them in
  • We already have a Nightsister squad heavily focused around reviving, so we wanted these new units to have a unique identity of their own

Strategy Tips:
  • Night Trooper benefits greatly from additional Potency since Blight can usually be resisted
  • Pairing Night Trooper with other characters that can manipulate an enemy’s Turn Meter will allow Blight to trigger often and deal a sizeable amount of damage


How do we get Night Trooper?
Night Trooper will be available through a marquee. This marquee will differ slightly from our recent marquees by having repeat rewards in Tier 1 which awards mods that are recommended for Night Trooper. These repeat rewards, similar to other tiers, will not be available if the marquee is rerun in the future. NOTE: As this is Tier 1, you will be loaned a Night Trooper for this tier even after unlocking them.
Is the datacron from Night Trooper available anywhere else?
No, similar to how Padawan Obi-Wan’s datacron worked, Night Trooper’s datacron is exclusive from their marquee event.
Do the negatives to Health Steal from Blight stack?
It does not, it is a flat -100%
Does the -100% Health Steal from Blight mean I can never Health Steal?
No, It reduces the Health Steal value by 100%, but like other stats you can overcome this deficit with enough +X% Health Steal. For example, if you had 200% Health Steal and you had Blight, it would be reduced to 100% Health Steal.
What squad does Night Trooper work with?
Their ideal is with the new Imperial Remnants being released, however they also work as an option for Nightsisters
Are the sounds for this unit great?
As always, yes! Turn that sound on!

Have more questions? Ask them HERE


BASIC: Shambling Shot

Final Text:
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Night Trooper with a stack of Blight, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted, until the end of the encounter. If this attack scores a critical hit, inflict Healing Immunity for 1 turn. If Night Trooper has Blight at the start of this attack, inflict Speed Down on the target enemy for 1 turn, which can't be resisted, and remove 10% Turn Meter.

Blight -100% Health Steal; this character takes bonus True damage whenever they lose Turn Meter from an enemy, which can't be evaded and can't defeat them; remove all stacks of Blight when this character recovers to full health

SPECIAL 1: March of the Undying (CD - 3)

Final Text:
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Night Trooper gains Alert for 2 turns, which can't be copied. The enemy with the least Turn Meter is Stunned and inflicted with Vulnerable for 1 turn, and remove 5% Turn Meter from all other enemies. Call target other ally to assist.

Alert: Whenever an ally gains bonus Turn Meter while not at 100% Turn Meter, this character gains 10% Turn Meter (once per turn); this character assists whenever an ally uses a Special ability

SPECIAL 2: Share My Suffering (CD - 4)

Final Text:
Deal Physical damage and inflict the target enemy with a stack of Blight, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted, until the end of the encounter for each stack of Blight on Night Trooper (max 10). Then, remove 100% Turn Meter from target enemy. All enemies are inflicted with Critical Chance Down for 2 turns.

UNIQUE 1: Inevitable End (Zeta + Omicron)

Final Text:
Night Trooper has +35% Potency. Whenever Night Trooper is damaged, they gain 10% Offense (stacking) and 5 Speed (stacking, max 100) for 1 turn or until they are critically hit. Whenever an enemy recovers Health, Night Trooper recovers 100% Health. Enemies can't recover Health from Health Steal when targeting Night Trooper. At the start of Night Trooper's turn, they gain +10% Critical Damage and Defense Penetration per stack of Blight on them for 1 turn. Whenever Night Trooper reaches 5 stacks of Blight, they gain Frenzy for 2 turns.

While in Grand Arenas: Night Trooper has +100% Max Health and +35 Speed. Night Trooper is immune to Turn Meter reduction. If the ally in the Leader slot is Imperial Remnant, inflict a stack of Blight until the end of the encounter at the start of each Imperial Remnant ally's turn to a random enemy. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with Blight this way, reduce the cooldown of Share My Suffering by 1.


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    and inflict Night Trooper with a stack of [c][ffff33]Blight[-][/c]

    yo this sounds fire
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    Did someone’s cat run across the keyboard while this kit was being typed
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    Reading this kit with my liter of cola
  • Artimus
    185 posts Member
  • LordDirt
    5200 posts Member
    Sweet more incoming Imperial Remnants
    We needed Cobb Vanth shards for Krayt Dragon raid, Endor Gear Luke shards for Speeder Bike raid and Anakin Skywalker shards for Battle for Naboo raid?
  • Egnards
    33 posts Member
    I'm confused - What am I missing?

    His unique says he gains 10% offense and 5 speed [stacking] for 1 turn or until critically hit. And while he also has Critical Chance Down, that only does -25% on the target [if it hits].

    At relic levels pretty much every character that doesn't do true damage that is doing damage is going to be criting constantly. . .
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    Will that assassin droid be released as a toon?
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    Love the animation from Share my suffering. Good stuff.
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    More broken teams, ns or remnants what breaks first #bootjan
  • Thesi
    6 posts Member
    Share My Suffering looks like he is drunk paintballing
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    I suspect a Thrawn Rework will be coming soon. I made a post about a Thrawn rework that gave him the Imperial Remnant tag if a NS ally was present. Then it inflicted plague onto the team to give TM gain.

    This kit both debuffs self, and talks about boosting TM further.
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    Can’t wait to see this with Morgan Elsbeth, I can imagine she will also be an imperial remnant as well as a sister of the night 😩😩😩🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 can’t wait
  • TargetEadu
    1685 posts Member
    Egnards wrote: »
    I'm confused - What am I missing?

    His unique says he gains 10% offense and 5 speed [stacking] for 1 turn or until critically hit. And while he also has Critical Chance Down, that only does -25% on the target [if it hits].

    At relic levels pretty much every character that doesn't do true damage that is doing damage is going to be criting constantly. . .

    I think it’s meant to work off of the self-damage from Blight, which would give multiple stacks of damage if his TM gets reduced.

    How often that will trigger, depends on the enemy team, I suppose
  • TargetEadu
    1685 posts Member
    Thesi wrote: »
    Share My Suffering looks like he is drunk paintballing

    Yeah, the walking corpse is really lowering the reputation of the renowned Imperial Stormtrooper Precision.
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    Is this just an upgrade from nightsister zombie?
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    Oops, I meant the BX-series droid commando
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    448 posts EA Community Manager
    edited July 1
    I can't stop looking at these animations and not think Drunk Master

    I love them
  • LittleSoka
    19 posts Member
    edited July 1
    I can't stop looking at these animations and not think Drunk Master

    I was thinking of Bo' Rai Cho from Mortal Kombat xD
  • LordDirt
    5200 posts Member
    edited July 1
    Jackie Chan confirmed xeciovu5ubj6.jpeg
    We needed Cobb Vanth shards for Krayt Dragon raid, Endor Gear Luke shards for Speeder Bike raid and Anakin Skywalker shards for Battle for Naboo raid?
  • JaHaeCen
    3 posts Member
    edited July 1
    I can't stop looking at these animations and not think Drunk Master

    I love them

    Do the Developers know that Scout Trooper doesn't work with other characters that only have the "Imperial Remnant" tag?
    They also need the "Imperial Trooper" tag to work properly with her.
  • Options
    JaHaeCen wrote: »
    Do the Developers know that Scout Trooper doesn't work with other characters that only have the "Imperial Remnant" tag?
    They also need the "Imperial Trooper" tag to work properly with her.

    That leads me to believe DTMG's team will remain the same and the new Remnants are meant for Thrawn. Maybe he gets a mixed Remnant / Nightsister team.
  • TargetEadu
    1685 posts Member
    JaHaeCen wrote: »
    Do the Developers know that Scout Trooper doesn't work with other characters that only have the "Imperial Remnant" tag?
    They also need the "Imperial Trooper" tag to work properly with her.

    That leads me to believe DTMG's team will remain the same and the new Remnants are meant for Thrawn. Maybe he gets a mixed Remnant / Nightsister team.

    The Kit Reveal also explicitly says that more Imperial Remnants are on their way. So that’s likely correct.

    Scout Trooper works fully under a Moff Gideon lead. But she also works fine with DTMG; all she loses is Emperor’s Trap dispelling when DTMG takes a turn, but DTMG doesn’t really have the TM momentum to loop teams and keep Trap up anyway. I’d be fine with him having the IT tag but it seems they’re moving away from that anyway.
  • Winterwolves
    1786 posts Member
    edited July 2
    So, every time any character with more than zero health steal attacks anyone other than night trooper (so they regain health), night trooper will go back to 100% health and lose blight? When will they ever have blight? Is this relying on getting healing immunity on every enemy?
    Post edited by Winterwolves on
  • TargetEadu
    1685 posts Member
    So, every time any character with more than zero health steal attacks anyone other than night trooper (so they regain health), night trooper will go back to 100% health and lose blight? When will they ever have blight? Is this relying on getting healing immunity on every enemy?

    Depends if they lose Blight if they’re already at 100% Health. Which I’m not sure of, honestly.
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    Will this unit be required for the new GL Ashoka?!
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    Whenever an enemy recovers Health, Night Trooper recovers 100% Health.
    So, if Chewbacca hits this zombie trooper, the undead will always recover 100% health? Sounds unbalanced, there will be infinite loops of turns that way
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    Dustan32 wrote: »
    Will this unit be required for the new GL Ashoka?!

    Almost certainly.
  • indagator
    2 posts Member
    edited July 2
    Hey, a dead stormtrooper is good, of course, but where is the official information about the new raid? when it will be, what if the old raid has already been launched, whether there will be an update and whether it will break different game modes - these are the questions players are interested in...

    no any info IN GAME! All information should be in game, and not in external external posts or smth

    P.S. and where is ROADMAP?

  • Phoenixeon
    1848 posts Member
    Finally its time to boot scout trooper from imperial Remnant team.
  • enlguy
    95 posts Member
    Stop introducing new characters, and fix the broken game modes that already exist...
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