Thank You!

With all the complaining that we do around here I think it's only fair to give credit when due. Thank you EA/CG for all of the rewards this morning.

Also I would like to say that I believe this update will be good for the game overall when everyone gets used to it. I do think it still needs some tweaks in some areas. I have actually had a few draws in arena over the last two days and I believe I had only ever had one the entire time before the update. I did see that you sped up animations so that should help but in my experience the timer running out has been more related to the AI dodge rate combined with the decrease in damage.

You get up against one of those Dooku/RG squads and there simply isn't enough time to focus down RG and kill everyone else amongst all of the dodging. Generally they have not been able to kill my squad either, so it turns into a back and forth battle that runs out of time. If I had back even half of the double digit dodges then I likely could have finished.

Anyway... Just that small complaint, otherwise the update is growing on me. I have some really cool ideas for new team comps!


  • The dodging is definitely strong. A little toning down of that I think could help. I had a draw against a 5s. I had him 3-1 and could not get him down before time ran out. It seems his protection is better than most cause it took me several turns just to get into his health but barely dented it before the draw.
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