Interested in joining a guild...anyone interested?

I am excited and interested in joining a guild group for the upcoming addition. I have regularly visited the forums but this is my first post or comment and have played daily as almost solely F2P (spent 60$ way early but found no need quickly) since December of last year.

This is the first mobile game I have ever really played but thoroughly enjoy the challenge of working with limited resources to achieve what I feel is a reasonable rank, usually between 40 to 15 each day with no refreshes. I am a strategy gamer and enjoy putting the pieces together, though normally not in this kind of format. I am active daily, always complete daily rewards, challenges, and GW. Lvl 74 with 11 max gear 7 star characters and many more ready to bring up when wanted.

Being F2P I don't commit resources until I am convinced of their use. However, I have several characters sitting at 6 or 7 shard star count but not active until I find their niche. This approach has helped me avoid the dreaded credit crunch and have resources at my disposal when I'm ready to bring up a character that will fit whatever strategy I decide to dedicate to based on the activity in my shard. I maintain the status quo with a current "meta" team to hold rank if needed as I experiment with other options. My actions are strategic and deliberate and are about maximizing limited resources while enjoying myself. I feel that would be a reason I would be an excellent addition to any guild. I do not want to be in an insane ultra competitive guild that sucks the fun out of what is a game however, which I tend to see on this forum from time to time.

If interested recruit me...message me here and post a reply, just understand I am fisherman by trade and am by no means a tech wizard. I regular tell people if it's not a sonar or radar I am at a deficit with technology.

My ally code is 744-812-218 and name on the game is Ben. Live in Mississippi, USA in the central time zone.


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