Cantina 6-G help...need Dooku shards

7 posts Member
desperately need to 3star this level so I can upgrade Dooku now that my GS is done finally. I have tried a half dozen times and not gotten close.
Squad usually would be: Dooku (5 star), QGJ (6 star), GS (7*), Lumi (7*) and either Sid (7*) or JC(7*). All are either 7 or 8 gear.
I have also EK, IG-86 and Poggle all 7* as well. plus a variety of other characters at five stars...
What do you recommend to defeat this level? appreciate the advice!


  • jedii_2040
    306 posts Member
    I hope your toons are above lvl 70. It should be pretty easy then. I had similar lineup like you and recently did cleared the node, and this is how.
    Lumi (L), QGJ, IG 86, GS, JC, borrow Barris. You will have lots of healing and DPS.
  • Ewan
    7 posts Member
    thanks so much...just tried it and it worked!! happy to put this one behind me..ha. I appreciate the advice.
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