When in battle and the loss of the Leader those abilites should also be lost.

22 posts Member
What I have noticed that in battles your/their leader gives the whole group that leaders ability! Which is fine and dandy!
But! When that leader is defeated those abilities still remain!
Sorry but if your leader is defeated then so is the ability they brought to the battle. Now in reality the next best leader should be put as leader then the group could benefit from the secondary leaders ability or third ETC. You always have your first, second, third, ETC in command incase the leader is taking down this should be reflected in all the battles and not just the Arena.
Doing this makes you plan strategically making the game play and outcome a lot more Random. So when planning your group you place them in the order you wish them to succeed as the leader incase he is taking down.
OR! Once the group's leader is defeated then they loose that leaders ability all together for the remainder of the battle. Make sure you protect that leader.
Just a thought.
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