Did not receive December login rewards

I started playing this game a little bit in to December, was one or 2 days away from getting the 4 star shard gift of the First order tie pilot (i have 6 so the character was almost unlocked) and then now that its January it switched to the Cad bane gifts. I understand that each month its different rewards but I have been logging in everyday and was looking forward to getting the new character and feel like I shouldn't have that taken from me since i have been a daily player, plus his shards aren't farmable


  • Like, logically how would they still allow you to do December login rewards in January?! Are you implying that because you started later in the month you should be awarded all the rewards for December?

    Also he is farmable, click the find button and you can see he is in 6b and 6d.
  • ah just finishing 5 up, didn't notice he was farmable

    just was disappointed i was a day away from being able to activate him now have to wait a couple more level gains to farm... i hear he is a good character

    in that spot where I'm like i get that its January... but I'm still logging in everyday... so idk kind of feel like there should be some other way to obtain them? idk... because i would have started earlier if i knew about the game lol

    like can i replace the jan rewards with those? cuz id rather get the tie pilot shards then the cad bane ones lol.
  • Tie is indeed amazing and I think most of us would just opt to keep the December reward schedule till he is *7 if that were an option. I feel your pain but they want to introduce new characters to players and still make you buy packs.

    Btw don't buy packs :)
  • yea yea i get it.. just mad i didn't start the game a little earlier so i can at least have him unlocked lol.. seriously it was one more crystal reward then the final 4 shards! ha
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