Drop Rates

I have been playing since late November, have a solid top 400 arena team, and am F2P; I find it very concerning (while I am level 60) that Kylo Ren and Rey were released on the same day and the drop rates are completely different; when comparing them on equal ground are the two "new" chars everyone wanted (expect Phasma which I now have at 6*)

Is this because of placement of farming and the lack of farming locations for certain chars? For example right now I have: Kylo Ren 72/80 shards (17 days of running on repeat except for Finn in the Cantina - which I have (Finn) - Rey 34/80 shards (and this is with the 10 free shards for the holiday challenge included) at this rate I'll have Kylo before I have Darth Vader 78/80 shards. Farming for characters and locations need to be improved - there are too many JC, Jawa, Clone Trooper locations in comparison to those characters which actually matter (and I know JC is viable)

Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee. Princess Leia: I am not a committee!
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