Why Rey, QGJ and whoever probably don't need nerfs.

I still haven't farmed QGJ and I only have Rey because when the force awakens characters came out I decided I wanted her and stuck by it. The reason I don't have QGJ is because when he became available in cantina shipments he was just considered average, so I pursued other characters. Rey also was just considered fairly good. Somewhere along the way the meta Shifted and raids came along so QGJ's utilities became indispensable. It wasn't that he suddenly hit harder or that because everyone complained they buffed him, It was just that a new way of using him was discovered and so people began leveling him.

It is similar with Rey, it wasn't that she has been buffed, it is something different. Somewhere someone like me decided they wanted to use her for DPS, so they leveled her quicker than anyone else. Like every character the higher they are leveled the harder they hit or the bigger their protection pool or the more utilities they have. So someone leveled her up and noticed she hit pretty hard. They shared that information with the forums and suddenly she was everybody's priority. A lot of people, including me, began pouring their resources into getting Rey leveled up.
Next thing you know there are a bunch of gear x Rey's running around the arena and GW. The thing is Rey's have out leveled most of the other toons. A gear X Rey is going to ohko your gear IIIV Lumi, or your gear IX GS, but is going to take a lot more to down a gear X RG. The problem is there are a lot of Gear X Reys running around, but not nearly as many Gear X RGs. So it seems that Reys are dominating everything, but once other toons get leveled up they won't nearly be the same threat.
You have to compare apples to apples and we are in a leveling phase, where some toons are leveled higher than others so there is no possible comparison.

When people start calling for a nerf what I hear is "I don't think it is fair that people have leveled up quicker than me. I want my mommy." Instead of buckling down and trying to level their characters.
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