Here is what 50k ally points gets you in Bronziums

I haven't seen a post about what people have gotten from a large amount of Bronziums in awhile. I had saved up around 50,250 ally points and decided now was as good of a time as any to spend them all. I did not record individual gear and training droids because that is a little too tedious for my liking.

Character shards/unlocks: 15/201 = ~7.5%
Full unlocks of Snowtrooper - 2
Full unlock of Royal Guard - 1
Shards of Jedi Consular - 2
Shards of Boba Fett - 2
Shards of Biggs - 2
Shard of General Veers - 1
Shard of Stormtrooper - 1
Shard of IG-100 - 1
Shard of Ahsoka - 1
Shard of URoRorrroor - 1
Shard of Snowtrooper - 1

11,000 credits from 16 pulls: 16/201 = ~8%

22 pulls of training droids: 22/201 = ~11%

148 pulls of gear: 148/201 = ~74%

Based on my sample of 201 pulls, it appears that there is a 1.5% chance of a full character unlock. This number seems consistent with what other people have also reported.


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