Looking for feedback on team I am building

1120 posts Member
edited January 2016
I am building a team and I was wondering what strengths /weaknesses people might see that I have not thought of:

Phasma (leader)
Kylo Ren (alternate )


  • Weaknesses:
    (1) Do you have a way to collect shards for Leia/ FOTP?
    (2) I think if you're using Phasma as lead, Kylo is a obligatory choice.
    (3) Your team seems to be 50% target characters (FOTP, Leia, Rey) and 50% AOE characters (Poe, Kylo, Phasma). From my experience, it's better to pick one direction than mix the two.
    (4) No healer

    Top tier characters. If you can get Leia and FOTP to 6 - 7*, I think you'll have a top team, no matter which 5 you select.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Thanks. Right now I have Phasma & Kylo @ 7*
    Max gear. FOTP, Leia, and Rey are all 5* with max gear. I am currently working on Poe.
  • sounds like you could beat any team tbh
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