Mods(Even after patch) still break GW. Can GW be without mods?

Today node 12.
RG 35K/42K total 77K
Rey 14K/18K total 31K
Sun Fac 25K/30K total 55K(No Mods)
QGJ 18K/21K total 39K
Anakin 19K/31K total 40K

Without Mods
RG 50K
Rey 22K
SunFac 55K
Anakin 30K
Total LIFE: 187K

That's a difference of 55K or 6th opponent at Gear 10/11. But since they gear level is higher, the damage done by my toons is mitigated(Obviously that isn't taken into considerartion in GW formula) so It's actally harder for me to kill these 5 toons than if those 5 toons were at my arena power/Gear.

Why can't they just remove the MODS at least, Then there is at least a possibility of managing that battle. You guys have to do something. I don't have a full arsenal of Speed and Crit damage mods.
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