Why so Sidious?

Yeah feedback comes in waves, and since ppl are commenting on Sidious, here is my take:

1) Ghost Menace (Unique) - Sidious starts the battle cloaked for 3 turns. Also his potency increases by 5% per character death (on either side) . Sidious regains cloaking whenever his protection bar is depleted.

I think this would make him that much of a more threatening character. Perhaps he could get a slight increase in potency up from 0.


  • I don't see how they'll be able to monetize making him better, so they'll never change him.
  • Whisking away the salt grains...
    Well, the more balanced out the parties are, the more incentive to strive for a full team of each, which becomes a pressure for people to get crystal to grow their teams faster.

    An underpowered character is a disincentive to invest in having it, which reduces opportunity for spending. So it makes economic sense to buff him.
  • good point. My response is, Ugnaught, CUP, JG, Boba, Maul, you get the point. They don't care about weak characters. Their lack of interest in fixing bugs on characters speaks to the same point. They're focused on bringing in new broken characters, Gungans. "Waddup Teebo, how's that stealth working for you? Oh still broke as **** huh, figures."
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