Where to spend GW tokens?

So I got Lumi to 7* yesterday and am now wondering what to do with my GW tokens. I don't have any other GW shipment characters other than a 1 star IG-86 and not really any significant amount of shards to speak of for any of the rest of them.

My arena (and GW) team is:
7* Lumi
6* Sid
4* Barriss
4* JC
3* Dooku

I sit about 400 with them and I'm not necessarily unhappy with any of them and looking to replace them. Also, I'm level 50 right now so not sure how they'll all scale once I get to 60 or 70.

That being said I'm not opposed to any synergies or strategies that any GW shipment toons might have. Or just thoughts in general regarding where to spend GW next.

IG-86, Poggle and Phasma seem to all be quite popular, I'm just not sure what I'd do with them necessarily. I'm wondering even if I should just hold on to the GW tokens to see if more characters get added at some point.


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