Bronze dooku drop lucky?

Hi I've been playing for a few week and one of my earliest chars was dooku from a bronze card, after reading through the forums, is that quite a lucky drop?


  • After over month I finally got my first character drop from bronze, snowtrooper. Already had him so I got 7 shards....
    Ingame name Daremo
    Player Ally Code: 631-533-975
  • That was one of my first drops in my main account. I also got Ahsoka, Elder, Geo Soldier, FO Stormtrooper, Urururur, Luke, and Plo Koon, In my second account, I only ever got Elder ... I don't know if drop rates have been adjusted since though and that's why I haven't gotten anything in the past month.
    Ironically I have never gotten a single drop from Chromium packs, though of course number of Bronze rolls far exceeds Chrome, so the chances are higher.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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