AstroZombies, evolution.

283 posts Member
AstroZombies is evolving and looking for active players.
We maintain a fly casual approach with reasonable requirements.
Weekly login, most members play daily and this is what we want to achieve without the pressure.
Communication, need members who communicate and have input. Guild chat as minimum, we have created a discord account and actively encourage members to participate. Require members to communicate in english.
No level requirement, aim is to have 50 active members who communicate. Then advance as a guild.
Currently 35 members (after a number of kicks) ranging from levels 30 to 80. Raiding Tiers 4 and 5, any big guns wanting to help us get to 6 are most welcome.
We have good officers who work hard for members.
Love to hear from any interested players. Please leave a reply and/or private message me.
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