Does "Auto" confirm your team's AI manner?

Don't know if this has been asked.

For instance, in the arena, if I press auto at the beginning of the battle, is that the EXACT same manner my team fights when battling others?


  • No
  • No

  • Opponent targeting would be the main difference, as it's more randomized on defense. It can never be EXACTLY the same I guess, because it depends on RNG.

    But you can confirm turn order, and the order in which specials are used, no?
  • Auto will maintain focus on whichever toon is currently targetted then move through characters one by one as they die. Auto from the start will target the leader. The only changes to this are for taunters or if a dispeller goes to dispel another target.
  • DjangoQuik wrote: »
    Auto will maintain focus on whichever toon is currently targetted then move through characters one by one as they die. Auto from the start will target the leader. The only changes to this are for taunters or if a dispeller goes to dispel another target.

    Its particularly annoying when Obi uses his ability and focus changes to him.. instead of my focus target. That has happened a few times.. I want to wear down the team and save Obi for last
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