The Great Post Patch Forum Adventure!!

Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you to one of the straaaangest oddities your eyes shall ever behold. For you see my good forum goers a patch has been released. Yes yes I do not lie a patch indeed hath dropped. And with it all manner of curious questions and spectacular speculation. Oh yes but of all these wonders kind folks the pinnacle of them all, the highlight of the show!!!! The Foundationless nerf thread.

Hold your gasps of horror and amazement for the show ladies and gents for we have barely just begun!

I will give you a teaser if you please, all manner of wonders await in the coming ride oh yes. But just to give you a little taste, feast your eyes on this, the first act to take the floor this night.
Behold the random cries of DAMAGE LOSS!
Yes gasp away, gasp indeed but we have only just begun.

For act 2 I bring you a wonder from the beginning of time!!
Hear also the fantastical cries that have echoed throughout these lands from the very first day. The legendary cries of "nerf" directed and a character not yet even attainable!!

Yes gawk away kind citizens for it is a true wonder to behold!! See how these oddities flock to a simple post of known stats and wildly contort them into horrid monsters of unmatched power!! All without ever laying eyes on one!! Yes yes miraculous I know!!
But we have even more awaiting you this evening!!

These are but a few of the wonders you shall behold on this voyage we have only just begun!!!
But to continue I ask but the price of admission, a measly sum compared to the wonders you shalt see here soon! See how many fantastical acts of unfounded speculation you can spot on our adventure!!!!

So come folks form a line, have your money purses prepared and be sure to buy your snacks and popcorn on the way in!
Come one, come all, behold the wonders that await you in!



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