Millennium Fukkatsu is looking for more crew members!!!

Hello all,

We started a new guild after our initial one's leader disappeared on us, and looking for players who will join us in the fun and the crazy. We love helping one another be it with donations or game tips, are rather chill and friendly (and chatty). We already got a number of our friends from other games started on the game and in the guild, and now seeking more players. Right now our guild has players of all sorts, from a bunch of lvl 80 players to new players below lvl 40 (at this time, they are moving along fast :D).... We have spots for 21 people right now, min is set at lvl40, but we do accept lower too if active. After all, levels come easy, what matters most is activity...

We do T5 & T6 raids right now. Mainly T5, but hoping to do more T6s soon... It all depends on how the guild members are doing (whether they can participate to get the rewards, finishing the tier isn't a problem thanks to our heavy hitters) and how rapidly we produce guild currency.

If interested can contact me using Line app & I'll add you to our line group... My line id is trojanas
My game ally code: 898 889 991
An officer is helping with recruitment as has more space in her ally list. Her name is Allimid and ally code is: 793 447 768

Hope you come join us soon!


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