Aayla Unique Bug

So it might just be me but I've been using Aayla for some time now, I currently have her at 65% crit chance w/64% potency, and I'm noticing she is not crit'n at a rate of 75%, which is what her total % chance is with Unique bonus. I've used other chars in the same squad with 75% crit chance to compare and she's barely staying at a 50/50 rate while the others with 75% are hitting on a low avg of 2/3 crits, usually more.

I'm wondering if her crit chance bonus is only during counter attack? I dont think it is but I want to ask, cuz I used to think JKA's AoE crit chance was cumulative and recently just found out its not. Regardless her crit chance rate is horrible even at a high %. Is there anyway a Dev can test this out and compare? It would be much appreciated by me and the many others who now use her since she's become farmable. Thx guys!



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