Ode to Autumn, Fall review objective

As the leaves lose their various shades of green and take on vibrant new shades of color, the human world pulses with chaos. Nature goes through its yearly routine of hibernation ignoring the fear mongering and divisiveness pervading our society. We run to our comforts; friends, family, and entertainment to distract us from the disparaging slow death of summer. The coming of winter, which we cannot avoid, the cold, unending dark envolopes our world.

Star Wars brings warmth to the mind, a pleasent distraction to keep us moving forward as winds chase the sun's warmth away. This game is no different. Day in and day out this game brings joy. This Autumn was no exception. We had a multitude of new features, but was it all good?

Mods have pervaded the Fall. They opened up the game far more than any other update. Once useless characters became meta. Some lost their usefullness but far more joined the roster of 'usable' than left. It has been fun to strive for. September was marked by lack of content. A month of catchup if you will. Mods have been a great success, but drop rates and cost have driven the casual players to fretting.

Many characters have been added to Cantina as the leaves change to shades of red. While the variety and usefulness is commendable, it is easy to see that it has caused some to feel overwhelmed. But every character added has been gold.

Tournaments came out!! Enormous fun at first. But then the flaws became clear. They fixed the flaws, but added others. Discouraging, failure can be. It led to a lot of misguided complaints and a few founded in fact. As we go forward, they will improve. This third one will be telling on their future.

Ally point change. This didnt sit well with me at first. As I thought about it, I have come to see this as the best change of Autumn. By adding Ally Points to GW shipments they did what much of the community has been asking for for months. They added characters to GW shipments. Every character that can be obtained in bronziums is now part of GW shipments. I still see the occasional thread asking for new GW characters. It makes me giggle now, because they did. Of course then you are choosing between participating in tourneys or bronziums. For some thats not a choice for others it is.

Level cap. It has been fun. The biggest issue was the apply a piece of gear to your toons. The $3000 dollar whales cried over that and it got removed. Made me giggle. I cannot wait for the mystery box. Its made GW way more challenging which at this point in the game may not be a good thing as GW is no longer endgame content. I find it fun still but tedious.

The most important piece is the new tank raid. I find it immense fun. Except that slow moving rotation. Experimenting with my rebels and jawas has been a blast. Unfortunately they did not look at a balanced pool of players when designing the raid. They have admitted that they geared it toward only the top players, making assumptions about the low quantity of guilds playing casually and gearing it as if this was a game on the Pro Circuit. I cannot imagine how poorly it would have performed if it had released on schedule. Even the top team has to guild hop to beat it, an act which historically is a condemned practice in the proffesional gaming community.

Ships. The most well handled future feature of the game. The constant updates from devs and mods has made the community have great faith in the future of this game. I cannot wait.
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