Ships are cool so far, but let's talk about the Sim Ticket bubble

Before the last major update, when challenges became "Sim-able", I had collected over 1,500 Sim tickets and they were growing every day.

Now several months later, I'm about to dip into the 700s. Despite purchasing 2-4 energy refreshes every single day without fail, there has been a net loss in tickets over this time.

Now we have even more ship challenges to sim, and I didn't see any increase in Sim tickets given with the update. This is bad news. In 3-4 more months when I'm Out of tickets and have to sit through 24 autobattles on a Sunday, I'm going to find a new hobby that makes better use of my time.

I am begging the developers to cut this potential problem off now, by increasing Sim tickets. Better yet, eliminate them entirely. I'm sure that data shows they provide less than $10 revenue a month. It's just a hassle and waste of time. You just added 35 minutes a day of ship arena play time. Please don't make us "auto battle" challenges and node farming.
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