some bugs and annoyances

have been finding that sometimes when an enemy is debuffed they straight out ignore the debuff

eg i have had qui-gon use his humbling blow against me despite my lumi hitting with force blast and ability blocking him.
also had other characters use special move despite being ability blocked
the red chain is there on his character but on his turn it disappears and he uses special move anyway
also seen many characters ignore stun, such as the red stun symbol is there above them the are frozen in the blue field but as soon as their turn they attack
none of the instances of noticed it has baris been either leader or even in the team

these are just a couple of examples have found different debuffs all being ignored multiple times. it is rare but does happen a fair bit

are we sure rey losing her bonus offense when applied with negative status effect is working?? she seems to hit just as hard regardless, also i have done some testing with this in the galatic war where you can restart battles.
foind a battle with rey, hit her with a debuff see how much she hits me for then restart and dont hit her with debuff and see how much. she seems to hit for same amount regardless?

it used to be once a toon got badly injured they went into an "injured" pose (holding their stomach pose) but once were healed above that break point would go back to their uninjured pose. now once they have entered that pose they stay in it, even if you heal to full health they are still in their badly injured pose.
not a big deal obviously but could be a bug shrug

annoyances, dont know if this is a bug but is **** annoying many of the features constantly switch my team around
light/dark battles, cantina, mods, arena, challenges, galatic war never does what ever my team is set it stays that way but events, ships both arena and challenges, and the tournaments are constantly shifting my team around
i dont mean i had a team set for event and 6 months later event is back and its changed i mean it just constantly shifts around every day and some all day!
example the recent rebel events for bistan/shore trooper etc everyday it had shifted my team around
the tournaments shoretrooper/new rogue squadron guys/vaders tie it would constantly shift my team around all day even including id set team have a battle go to do another battle straight after and its mixed/jumbled/shifted my team all around
the recurring events such as credit heists and the ship challenges arena it seems to switch my team around everytime the shops reset (like the "shipments" "arena shipments" etc etc).
example credit heist how you have 2 attempts. one of the times the shops reset is 1pm NZ time. if i do the first one at say 1230pm and then go to do the second attempt before 1pm, say 1245pm, then the team is same as the first attempt but if i wait till after 1pm (shops reset) it will of mixed my team up

interestingly the game seems to loooove putting storm trooper han as leader for rebels team
my rebels team is ackbar as leader with leia, luke, biggs, STH with han being lowest power of them all (so is not just defaulting to highest power for leader spot etc) whenever it mixs up my rebel team everyone except sth can be in any of spots (except leader) and han is always in leader spot?

sorry for bad esplanations
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