The chromium shop-Thoughts?

So, to start off, this isn't a complaint thread.

Okay, so everyone knows that the chromium pack aren't that great if you don't plan to spend tons of money. Who cares. I've bought my fair share of them, and will continue to do so. Love my maul (not for PvP, only 4* with 1/2 shards). Shard shop is coming for excess shards. Again, nice, but who cares. What I was wondering was if they were ever going to change up the chromium packs or add to the store.

If they did, would you have any good ideas? How about adding a dark and light side pack (someone else's idea, I'm just tossing it out again)? Buying one would only give heroes from their respective alignment. They could cost more to compensate for the reduction of heroes, but it would be great to lower the hero pool so anyone (f2p or p2p) could work on some heroes they like a bit easier. Would be nice to try for Maul shards from a dark only pool.

So what does everyone think. Good idea? Bad idea? What are your ideas to change, adjust, or add to the card store? Would they even bother? Thoughts?
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