Guildy McGuildstein III Request's your droids in our push for heroic tank attempts

Guide McGuildstein III (The guildiest guild in the galaxy) is looking for your droids!
We're a mostly f2p T7 Pit / Normal AAT guild of players at various levels. We have an active Line chat group and we share tips, strategy, and bad jokes.
We have 5 open slots. We are working towards Heroic Tank
We need lv85, heroic-ready players - especially those with droid squads. We run 2-3 T7 Pit Raids per week, and normal AAT Raids 1-2 times per week. Guild time is Central time, but we have valuable members in several time zones, and we have a rotating Heroic Pit raid schedule with a 24hr 0 damage period to accommodate everyone.
Line is required for all members. Reply here, or message LineID: benvanobi
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