Play against our own roster

What do you think ?


  • Wow.. Nice idea.. I want to know how my geo teal does on defense with ai control :o
  • You have no idea how much I would love this to be a feature
  • Great idea! I would destroy my A team with my D team for fun :)
  • Actually that's a good idea
    I'd love to test my A team on defense
    I choose the Red Pill.
  • They guarantteed never introduce this.. This way u can fight your a squad with your a squad on auto and the ai always wins.. They dont want to let us know, what they do to us
  • Sounds cool, but if I put a my droids against my exact same droids, RNG decides who goes first (and most likely who wins.)
    I'd prefer a for funsies real time (or both optional real time and AI) match against fellow guild members that has no reward and no cool down. It'd be totally sweet, this way you're not limited to the same 5 arena matches and GW (that nobody likes) every day
  • So you posted on the forums to request a feature that would enable you to play with yourself? Doesn't seem like a great feature.
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