Light Side 9B Hard Help



  • I too have been struggling with this one for months. Any suggestions on team comp?

    ally code is 787-729-191 if anyone is able to help

  • Can I ask how you prioritize the mobs at the final tier? Is it Embo that should die first?
  • I would like to borrow a Gk to beat this too. My Ally code is: 894-277-451.
  • I beat it with gear 9 ackbar lead, gear 10 lando, gear 8 r2d2, gear 10 Ezra, and gear 8 kanan. With ok mods, basically speed arrows. Basically if you have a gear 8-10 rebel squad borrow CLS and your rebels will destroy anyone that AOEs. You just need to get your rebels to high enough gear that they can take a few AOEs and CLS can basically do all the killing by himself. Also he grants defense which helps in survival. Also, ackbar lead rocks for the speed and assist calls, Ezra was useful for damage and calling R2 or Luke to stun assist, lando was just easy to gear and Kanan could survive enough hits.
  • I actually did this node with so much ease with phoneix squadron you get the chance to expose an enemy with Hera and everyone share each other abilities so if you have kanan everyone will counter. I didn't even have them at a high gear level think highest one was Ezra at 8 but the rest was below 8 what helped also was that o could borrow a g12 cls honestly I genuinely couldn't believe how easy it was Phoenix squad is not to be messed with!
  • I got continuously destroyed until I put a zeta on Finn and R2. With my G8 Resistance team I went through each and every LS 9 hard nodes... 3*. Flawless runs. I couldn't believe it after I struggled so much.
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