Omega refresh button stole my money

2286 posts Member
Hello dear devs,

I have an issue with an omega button. On sunday (yesterday) around 13:35 EST military time, something hurtful happened.

Having recently refilled some crystals, i decided that 200crystals to redo omega battle was a bargain. I proceeded to tap the refresh button, but alas! To no avail! Nothing happened. Thinking nothing of it at the time, i pressed it one more time (maybe twice more!?), and still nothing.

It was at this time my keen mind realized something was amiss. INSTANTLY i got a screen capture of my main screen. No sooner my screen was done capturing, six hundred (600) credits trickled (one by one) out of my pile of crystals.

Curious, i took a peek at my Omega battles, and finally i was able to redo one! But here lies the crux of the issue: i was only able to do one! After completing that one battle, i had no more refreshes left.

This positively is a bug: for 600 crystals, i should have been able to do 2 (if not three) battles. The game should not have withdrawn extra refreshes all at once.

Added to this message i will attach screenshots as i took them (and described them above)

May the force be with you. It shall free you.


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