Question on Talia in P4

I notice in Skelturix's video of Assaj lead NS that he only uses talia's basic. Why not use her harrowing assault which still triggers her basic when she's below 100% health? Guessing I'm missing some detail. Any thoughts? Thanks.


  • Idk why he doesnt, myself and guildmates use her harrowing assault when under 100% and the only thing it's done is improve our scores marginally. Lol
  • Cool. Me and my guildies weren't sure if there was some reason he avoided it but forgot to mention. Just didn't make sense. Cool to know it doesn't mess up anything. Thanks.
  • Depending on the number of stacks, she might take enough damage and not be able to heal to full because she takes 2 actions which means more damage from Bonds of Weakness. In low stacks it is usually ok, but in higher stacks I would avoid it.
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