New Clue!


  • Except for the pwd part
  • Notworking
    171 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Sabacc, how Han won the falcon. A lot of card references in the verse. Most valuable cards - sylop (means **** in corellian)
  • The poem reminds me of when you translate a block of text into a different language(or languages) and translate it back into English.

    That’s what I thought. But don’t have the spare time without children nipping my head to check this out.

  • Piewalker
    200 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Hoping it’s a ship or marquee character so I can ignore it.
  • Pwd = phonetic pew’d right? Like pew pew pew. That was my first thought when I saw it
  • Road ahead...not in a riddle or a puzzle. Who thinks these puzzles are a good idea? Wasn't part of why kozispoon lost her job was because of constant memes instead of actual communication? And we have replaced those with puzzles?
    Professionalism has never been a part of CGs business model but at some point someone has to do something constructive.
  • Except for the pwd part

    So Pwd is “Print Working Directory”, a UNIX command, which may tie into this puzzle. Could the “Get Pwd” have anything to do with jba, aka JaBbA (Junction Balance Analysis)? @CG_SBCrumb
  • Someone already started down this road, but I can’t find the post. If we step from the literal and try to backtrack the language to a possible original version... btw- I don’t think I’m right, but... there’s something possibly interesting:

    Fail nigh and stem hope. Rotated. No Help. Get Pwd. Dunce

    Give up and abandon hope. Turn around, you’re all alone, get shot, stupid.

    Is that close to a quote? Beckett maybe?
  • Myd
    11 posts Member
    For a tes due, why fy far? Beat thi? That’d b nay isiary

    slave one

    I anagramed it and got darth bane. Its darth bane yall.... still working.
  • Tbirds01
    1235 posts Member
    Ugnaught wrote: »
    Road ahead...not in a riddle or a puzzle. Who thinks these puzzles are a good idea? Wasn't part of why kozispoon lost her job was because of constant memes instead of actual communication? And we have replaced those with puzzles?
    Professionalism has never been a part of CGs business model but at some point someone has to do something constructive.

    And does most of the community agree with you on that?
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster:
  • I enjoy the puzzles. I have no desire to solve them; it's enough to follow along as genius is revealed by our community.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Ultra
    11491 posts Moderator
    I enjoy the puzzles. I have no desire to solve them; it's enough to follow along as genius is revealed by our community.
    Same. Puzzles are fun, watching everyone work together is fun. I’m not smart enough to decipher them but get a kick seeing the members here able to and how they went about it
  • Myd
    11 posts Member
    Darth bane dynasty of evil star wars hc0ucudfhzo3.png
  • Someone already started down this road, but I can’t find the post. If we step from the literal and try to backtrack the language to a possible original version... btw- I don’t think I’m right, but... there’s something possibly interesting:

    Fail nigh and stem hope. Rotated. No Help. Get Pwd. Dunce

    Give up and abandon hope. Turn around, you’re all alone, get shot, stupid.

    Is that close to a quote? Beckett maybe?

    “I trust no one. Assume everyone will betray you and you will never be disappointed.” Beckett

    Too much of a stretch? I’m still running down this rabbit hole for a time.
  • Would converting the parsecs to lightyears do anything? I really don't understand the puzzle, but maybe the different numbers would reveal something?
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Myd wrote: »
    Darth bane dynasty of evil star wars hc0ucudfhzo3.png

    Can you show your entire text string of what you searched? It appears you put the clues folks found within each line, and then added to the end of said line, combined them all, then searched and came up with all those possible containments?
  • Myd
    11 posts Member
    In better order...
  • Myd
    11 posts Member
    None of the others can i get to come up with any rational star wars related content... so i may be waaaay off
  • Tested it myself:

  • “Stop changing, keep farming. I’m reaping the wagers. My plays win.“

    Contains “Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope”
  • egtrip
    23 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    has anyone looked at what is not in the text presented, short - syllables feel like they are missing, sentence punctuation - some lines do not contain a period at the end
    "Get the nod, Ace"
    "That’d be nay visionary"
    "Add clue but get the nod, ace"
  • Kluge wrote: »
    Seriously, who cares. Solving the riddle doesn't make it happen any faster. Everything is leaked long before the riddles "officially" start the announcement process. We know OT Falcon is coming <cringes - yay another paywall ship> So you're better off spending your time working a 2nd or 3rd job to pay for whatever it is hinting at (assuming you want the instant gratification), rather than trying to decipher the puzzle.

    In the 2 minutes it took you to write that I made $20 not even working. Ask me how!

  • Kluge wrote: »
    Seriously, who cares. Solving the riddle doesn't make it happen any faster. Everything is leaked long before the riddles "officially" start the announcement process. We know OT Falcon is coming <cringes - yay another paywall ship> So you're better off spending your time working a 2nd or 3rd job to pay for whatever it is hinting at (assuming you want the instant gratification), rather than trying to decipher the puzzle.

    Avatar checks out....
  • Kluge wrote: »
    Seriously, who cares. Solving the riddle doesn't make it happen any faster. Everything is leaked long before the riddles "officially" start the announcement process. We know OT Falcon is coming <cringes - yay another paywall ship> So you're better off spending your time working a 2nd or 3rd job to pay for whatever it is hinting at (assuming you want the instant gratification), rather than trying to decipher the puzzle.

    A lot of people cares and likes it, otherwise they wouldn't be in this thread.
    >:)So what? I want Krell!
  • I like it!


    May the force be with you ..... und der Klabautermann!

  • too bad this site/forum doesn't have a 👎 option button under the comments
    Great work guys on trying to solve this
  • I sincerely hope this is something as cool as it warrants, even if just so the “It’s obviously the Falcon!” people can eat it.
    Ooba hutar.
  • The only thing important to me is, do I have to pay for whatever it is or not?
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