Please do something about Nest

126 posts Member
I know it’s part of mechanics and strategy, but sometimes it totally seems like it shouldn’t be that way. I easily take down Traya teams with my CLS team but there’s a team with Nest in it and if I don’t get it exactly timed perfectly it ends up timing out with nest having health in the red. She stays there like a popsicle no matter what because of CLS and Han’s TM removal and R2’s stun on basic (although I try not to use that as much as possible). It’s just very irritating killing every character within the first 30 seconds and then having Nest sit there frozen for the whole length of the rest of the battle. I know the Nest users are going to say to kill her earlier which I do sometimes, and try to, however, with the DPS of my team I kill the others with counter attacks so fast that I can’t do anything about it. It seems completely broken. Can something please be done?


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    Use a team that literally feeds almost every ability into her unique. Maybe add Thrawn and Fracture her while you're at it.
  • Tarah
    202 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Use traya against nest

    Or nest have to be nerfed cause ù do not use traya?
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    Just avoid stunning her, then she isn't too bad
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    GMY cuts through her like a hot knife through butter. I'd suggest switching up your squad and searching for one of the many solutions!
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    @jstehly actually stunning her is a great strategy. TMR or Fracture are the exact opposite. You want to ability block + stun lock her. With Thrawn the best bet is spamming his basic. Speed up + ability block + stun.
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    I've never had trouble against nessie. Maybe i'm too dumb to screw it up against her.
  • TVF
    36600 posts Member
    The only thing we need to do about Nest is get people to stop complaining about Nest. She's beatable, therefore she's fine.
    I need a new message here.
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    Why would you avoid stunning her?
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    Rock, paper, scissors. CLS and Han and other TM removers are rock and she is paper. Use scissors, like Nihilus.

    It takes some players longer than others to realise that the route to success is not just using the same 5 toons for every arena battle. Took me well over a year to figure it out! Hopefully the OP will catch on too.

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    So use a team that counters her. Jedi can easily or just put nihilus on your team and annihilate her
  • Jarvind
    3926 posts Member
    She's really not bad at all. You're just using the absolute worst possible team against her, as she was pretty much specifically designed to screw over teams with a lot of turn meter reduction.

  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Oh look, another Nest is OP complain thread.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • gpeeee
    126 posts Member
    I'm not saying she is OP at all, she just doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem like the game is working correctly when she just sits there stunned for almost the whole arena battle. I understand the whole rock, paper, scissors things, trust me, I'm a big advocate for that and for different teams to beat others. I didn't have a problem with her at all until I modded my team much heavier in order to beat Traya easily or Revan teams. I have other teams but they probably won't be Traya. I don't have Traya and I don't have Paywall or Bastilla so those aren't options. It's just frustrating how I beat a team without upgraded mods and now that I have my team upgraded, I can't fully defeat them because my team does too much DPS and has too many stuns.
  • Vendi1983
    5023 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    @gpeeee It's not stuns and DPS. That's actually what you want to beat Nest. Your problem is too much TMR.
    1 - Whenever it's available use Han's two specials instead.
    2 - Never CLS 1st special, even off cooldown. Don't even touch it. Always his basic: minimum TMR.
    3 - Stun lock should be totally possible between CLS basic, Han 1st special, and R2 basic.

    Only time I'd intentionally do CLS special is right after Nest has taken a turn and the bonus protection is gone. One big hard hit and applying tenacity down.
  • gpeeee
    126 posts Member
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    @gpeeee It's not stuns and DPS. That's actually what you want to beat Nest. Your problem is too much TMR.
    1 - Whenever it's available use Han's two specials instead.
    2 - Never CLS 1st special, even off cooldown. Don't even touch it. Always his basic: minimum TMR.
    3 - Stun lock should be totally possible between CLS basic, Han 1st special, and R2 basic.

    Only time I'd intentionally do CLS special is right after Nest has taken a turn and the bonus protection is gone. One big hard hit and applying tenacity down.

    Thanks for the response. I do all 3 of those in the battles. She just sits there stunned and doesn't move and her TM barely moves as well. I try using smokescreen/burn, Han's specials, never use CLS specials and it never works.

    I know that every character has strengths, etc, but she's not even labeled as a tank. If she was labeled as a tank and was specifically used just to take damage, then I guess I would think she is used as intended but I don't think all is correct with her just sitting there for over 2 minutes with 0 chance of beating her. I understand if there is a strategy to defeat a character, such as Talzin, Zombie, other revivers, etc. but this doesn't take any strategy, it just flat out becomes impossible and I'm stuck in that arena battle for the remainder of time when I clearly prepared to defeat a Traya team that easily.

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    If you’re hitting Nest first and then kill every other enemy on counters before Nest goes again, then maybe you should swap out one of your team for Nihilus, so you have a chance to annihilate even if you can’t kill Nest with straight damage
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    So this happens to me occasionally as well, but with the sea of Trayas and Bastilas out there I don't bother changing teams (since they will both work well against Nest). When I am forced to fight her, I usually try to occasionally hit her with a stun while the rest of the enemy team is still alive, and then once her normal protection is gone it only takes like 1 hit with Han's special to take her down. If that fails, and I find myself in the TMR loop, I just hit auto BASIC ONLY, and wait until nest resists TMR enough for me to pull out of auto and fine tune my attacks to let her take her turn (which is skipped, since she's stunned). Then I hit her with whichever toon's most powerful SINGLE damage attack is (Han/CLS/Chewie, special. Thrawn/R2, basic). It's annoying, but works.
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    Let Nest takes her turn.
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    All the people giving you advice and you still saying it seems broken are thinking, "Try Pokemon Go."
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    jstehly wrote: »
    Just avoid stunning her, then she isn't too bad

    Yep. When I face a team with nest I let her do what she wants and normally save her for last. She’ll die by just using basics.
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    You need huge DPS.
    CLS RHan JTR FOE FOTP did very well.
    Actually, KRU’s stun skill is very great.
    He can make her sleep by 2 turns.
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    Some of the posts advising basic moves only are only correct to a point.

    If you are vs a nest with very little speed modding, and you are using a fast CLS team with Han you will never ever beat nest by leaving her to last.

    It is possible to beat a slow nest with a fast CLS team, but it is very difficult.

    You have to keep her stunned and kill her earlier. never use CLS to hit her at all unless its a finishing blow. his basic applies speed down which ensures you'll timeout, his special removes all TM. Never use hans basic on her.

    It is sometimes better to intentionally let the enemy kill one of your toons (hopefully han or cls in this situation) to avoid a rebels 5v nest.

    If they are running traya, keep traya alive too. Then smokescreen to make han or luke the target and let the AI kill them.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Some of the posts advising basic moves only are only correct to a point.

    Basic attacks or not - the important thing is to not reduce her TM consistently, but instead let her take a turn, and then hit her hard.
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    Waqui wrote: »
    Some of the posts advising basic moves only are only correct to a point.

    Basic attacks or not - the important thing is to not reduce her TM consistently, but instead let her take a turn, and then hit her hard.

    That is exactly what I was stating.

    Someone had advised to just set to auto basics attacks with cls and han.

    That's not going to work.

  • Vendi1983
    5023 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Why? Stunning doesn't prevent her taking turns. It prevents her using an ability ON HER TURN and it's exactly what you want to prevent her counter + health steal.
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  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Some of the posts advising basic moves only are only correct to a point.

    Basic attacks or not - the important thing is to not reduce her TM consistently, but instead let her take a turn, and then hit her hard.

    That is exactly what I was stating.

    Someone had advised to just set to auto basics attacks with cls and han.

    That's not going to work.

    Yes. I just compressed your statement to include the essentials only :-)
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