No Q&A for Feb?

Title says it all. I thought we were supposed to be getting monthly Q&As now. Or am I mistaken on that?


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    No need for q&a, they've already completely and thoroughly explained everything in their announcements. Why would we need more than that?
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    I wouldn't want to talk to us after all those bombshells.

    They'll wait for the madness to die down like they did with the malak shard compensation fiasco.
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    Maybe after the last announce regarding relic grabage toons for GL they decided to cancel it...
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    I just thought it was odd lol. Like we got it for 4 months straight and they said it was going to be monthly..then bam nothing.
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    Ah all makes sense now why they skippedthe Q&A this month and there's radio silence on the matter. Too busy having"internal reviews" to go change the requirements for GL from almost reasonable to absurd. Lol

  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Dont mess up do nothing streak lol
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    Does it matter? They wouldn't give a substantive answer regarding anything important anyway. Just more answers to whoever keeps giving them questions about art and some circular run around answers to other cherry picked questions.
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    Question: why do we have to relic nothing, trash characters for galactic legends?

    Answer: CG is greedy.

    Fixed it for you 👍🏻
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    MandoYoda wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Does it matter? They wouldn't give a substantive answer regarding anything important anyway. Just more answers to whoever keeps giving them questions about art and some circular run around answers to other cherry picked questions.

    Yes, it does matter, because they told us there would be monthly Q&A’s which they should honor, or at the least let us know if they are canceling or delaying it. I understand it’s still February, but they typically have Q&A within the first 2 weeks, so we should have had an idea of when to expect it, or communication of a delay/cancellation.

    Wait what? You want to hold CG to their word? LMFAOROTF


    Oh I'm getting a cramp. Gotta stop.
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    Q1: Why did y’all lie about putting new characters in the stores?
    CG: ...

    Q2: Why did y’all lie about not creating panic farms and then release the Raddus with one day notice in a one-day event?
    CG: ...

    Q3: Why did y’all lie about the requirements for the Galactic Legend characters not all needing relics only to later say the do need relics?
    CG: ...

    CG: So hey, check out this art!
    Go Pens!
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    Why you want CG lying for you?
    There is nothing useful in that posts.
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