Trouble slicing 6* 5A mods to 6E with Relic 7 Vader

So, according to everything I've read, this shouldn't be happening but here it is. Any insight would be valuable.

I've got a Relic 7 Vader, 7 Stars. I've got two six dot 5A mods, Potency and Speed. that I want to slice to 6E.

The game is not allowing them to be sliced because it says the mods have been maxxed out.

My understanding is this shouldn't be happening with 7 star characters gear 12 and above - certainly not with reliced characters!

Is this a bug in the game? Is there something I'm missing? Any insight as to what's going on and how to slice these mods is appreciated! Thanks!


  • mnagoda wrote: »
    So, according to everything I've read, this shouldn't be happening but here it is. Any insight would be valuable.

    I've got a Relic 7 Vader, 7 Stars. I've got two six dot 5A mods, Potency and Speed. that I want to slice to 6E.

    The game is not allowing them to be sliced because it says the mods have been maxxed out.

    My understanding is this shouldn't be happening with 7 star characters gear 12 and above - certainly not with reliced characters!

    Is this a bug in the game? Is there something I'm missing? Any insight as to what's going on and how to slice these mods is appreciated! Thanks!

    If they have six dots, they are 6A mods, not 5A.
  • !!! Shows how much I know! Thank you!!! That explains it - I'm already there!
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