What is going on?

749 posts Member
edited June 2016
Prices of gear going up, quality of the product going down.
Huge amounts of bugs, broken software, irrational GW difficulties, character fixes that break characters even more.
P2P toons released with broken mechanics and leadership skills, characters with reported bugs taken months with no fixes, players banned over coding errors, guilds not earning coins etc etc etc.
Really what is going on at the offices of EA/CG?
Why are things not tested and going through proper QA?
Do we need to pay $50 an item of gear before proper testing will be affordable for them?

It seems the last 6 weeks or so things have gotten drastically worse and it's incredibly annoying that we are expected to pay more and accept less quality.

Something needs to change!

Edit: I just saw in the scanner mega thread that the price has been reverted, if that is true, power to the players!!


  • Options
    Very well said. The past month or so they have butchered this game and really scewed everyone over with ridiculous updates and the one good thing they did adding the champion challenge. Then that is dropped. In my opinion this game is on the tipping point to where people including myself are going be uninstalling very soon if the devs don't get it together and make necessary changes.
  • scuba
    14049 posts Member
    QA... Lol. The QA seems to be released an update... See why the players find wrong with it.
  • Options
    It's also because so many of you/us are constantly wanting new things faster. So, they try and appease and it's not always great. Rush stuff...put it out...fix later. That's how raids worked. That's how a lot of software companies work in case you haven't figured that out. Nothing is ever 100% ready with nothing to fix later. Not when it comes to connected devices anyway. When you had console games and such in a disconnected world...better be **** sure that stuff worked or it'd be lawsuits because you can't return an opened game that is clearly defective.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    They keep trying to appease the complainers and rushing changes. People need to just enjoy the game.
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