Need help and Support is useless

88 posts Member
edited July 2021
I've tried for 30 mins to post in the bug section but the page never lets me submit, does not give me any errors, and I filled out every field. Likewise, your in game Support team are not helpful. This is a terrible experience. Please help me.

I am the guild leader. One of my guild members was removed from the guild by the game -- no one removed him, he did not leave on his own. He contacted support via in game button but got no help. He is back in the guild now. Can you please ensure he gets our guild's TB rewards at end of TB? Thanks.

His ally code: 798993567

My ally code: 918822566


  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    Tell the affected friend to submit the bug report
    Your topic has been moved to the Bugs and Issues Archive. For better assistance and functionality, please report your bug over at Answers HQ.

    You’ll be able to find direct links to all the existing SWGOH forum boards on Answers HQ so you can easily navigate between both forums.

    Please visit the Answers HQ forums by clicking the link below!
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