Question on the recent Hotfix (6/18) and Gift from Capital Games

posts Member
edited June 18
Is the gift only for those currently level 84 or less? Or does it count if you were 84 or less when the New Player Experience came out, never got all the rewards, but made it to Level 85 in the mean time?


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    This also happened to my second account. Was 82 when new player experience hit, got the quests then had them all disappear when I hit 85 about 15 mins later from some of the new quests. I didn't get the ship shards or bossk shards and am sad in the pants.
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    Yep my account that got to lvl 85 2 days ago got nothing
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    You won't get an answer to this I'm afraid. Many of us got totally "forgotten" a couple of weeks whilst some (including day 1 players) got like 40k ssp + whatever shards they were missing and despite loads of people questioning and tagging mods, no answer was given to this day. If you get shafted by a change, you'll stay shafted.
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