50 posts Member
edited April 2017
I think that the RNG in this game is pretty much eff'd up & that's why it's all a matter of luck or how deep you can dig into your pockets & get what you want (which I have no problem with because I use real money myself sometimes). But I once saw a post on reddit where some guy had gone for 3 weeks without even one Zeta, & the only way he could get it was through buying from fleet shipments. In the same way, someone else has gone for months only receiving 2.5m from credit heist, while other people receive 10m. How do you keep up with the same guy in your shard getting way more than you? Others receive fully crafted gear from heroic raids, while all you receive are just salvages. One other guy gets hasn't got to finish GW in a while, because he invested so much in one team because he's f2p, only to get laughed at on the last GW node. When we come to the dodge meta, it seems that the dodge chance gets increased tenfold when the enemy toon is just about to die. So you attack once, *whop* strike 1, twice *whop* strike 2, three times *whop* strike three... And to make matters worse, it's a Chewy led team in GW. I don't really understand the mechanics behind this (Yes it's not Sidious either). Like I don't care who you rework & what you add to the game (ok to some extent I do). But guys come on, whoever is in charge of this part of the game is a real ****. I haven't even mentioned the "buy one pack get 5-30 shards"...I'm still waiting to see someone who's actually got that 30 shards. Omegas don't drop in cantina stage 8. When people are 99/100 on Vader, that's when he magically disappears from the shard shop for a month. Can you guys just be sincere, your RNG is just the worst! But I love the game so I'm going to keep playing you....
Post edited by BentWookiee on


  • Options
    Rng sucks man but it is what it is. Plus you really only see people complaining about bad rng, not many people come on to forums to talk about good rng. Earlier this week I pulled 7/11 for stun guns and the next three days got 3 total, it's all a number game. I've seen screenshots (maybe on reddit?) of people pulling omega from cantina, the drop rate is just quite low as it should be for a rare resource like that. Same with the shard packs, you're buying a guaranteed 5, with a CHANCE at 30. very low chance but it's there. Eventually your luck will turn you've just gotta grind it out :)
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    It def goes in waves. Top of the wave you are loving life, middle so so. Then comes the down and you want to rage quite all yer hard effort. When zeta first came out I had 99% drop rate for the longest time. Now it's hit and miss. Soon I think I'll be in the bottom and start going weeks without. Yer wave is coming. Promise
  • Options
    I m still leveling so, the deltalevel may be playing tricks on my perception but... I agree with Kenobi for this game:

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