Shard drop rate very low / Character prices too high

I understand this is a free to play game and that's fine as long as things are fairly balanced between having to spend money to get things vice earning them without spending. That said I just played Tatooine 2B on hard 3 times trying to get Boba Fett shards and spent 36 energy and not one shard dropped in three tries. That's downright stingy. Honestly if you're spending 12 energy, it should be a guaranteed shard, period. Not like it's 25 shards to get Boba Fett, it's 80, and I'd bet it double or at least more to get his next star, so this needs to change in the next update, or the initial interest in this game is going to die fast and people will move on. Look at Marvel Future Fight, they had a couple of ridiculously priced character packs in their store, but for the most part, you could level up in a reasonable amount of time, putting a reasonable number of money into the game. i can tell you right now - you will lose people like me who are fine putting money into a game as long as the system doesn't seem too greedy. Right now - it skews too greedy, and the shard drop rate and prices of the character cards is too high. Adjust lower to keep people interested longer or they will move on.


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    I agree, seems a bit ridiculous. I can definitely see myself losing interest if I have to stick with the same characters for a while.
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    The Star Wars train is going to be puffing along nicely for at least 3 movies. Expect them to take advantage of/exploit this.
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    I absolutely agree with the OP. The shard drop is incredibly low. I've played loads of games similar to this one, and the drop rates for shards was substantially better. If you factor in how many shards it takes to level up a star, the drop rates are seriously too low, ESPECIALLY if you consider the amount of characters there are in the game. I really hope the Devs increase it, because as the OP said, I foresee loads of people promptly deleting this game out of shear frustration over not getting shards at an adequate pace considering how many shards it takes to level up and how many characters there are currently in the game. Heaven help us if they add more characters later on and you're still struggling just to get 1 maxed out.
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    Agreed. Although I want to like the game, it plays like a poor man's Marvel Future Fight. In addition to gameplay issues (which I won't touch on since it's off topic), the amount of shards needed to level a character, shared drop rate, and energy cost has stopped me from investing any money into the game. With Future Fight, I've purchased the game's monthly package over the last three months. While this isn't a large investment; however, because I never purchase items in a F2P game, this speaks volumes. The reason I've made these purchases is simple: Future Fight is reasonable and not P2W. I get value out of the game; therefore I'm willing to invest in it. This game? Not so much. At this point, because I've been saddled with a handful of minor characters and have no real hope of obtaining characters I'd like to play, I'm ready to shelf the game, logging in only to collect the daily reward. Perhaps in a month, EA will retune these issues.
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    Its a week old in the states, there is hope some things change. I run 2 accounts and the free to play is as good or if not better than the account I've spent money on. Buying data cards actually hurts your team in some instances..focus on the farmables like Sid, Daka and Luminara. There are some early fun farmables like Luke, Boba, Dooku, Windu, Ashoka and Ewok Elder early on as well…All of the PVP options like Han, Opress,Ig-88 are really easily farmed. There are a lot of positives but also some things that could be tweaked a bit.
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    +1 !! They need to increase the drop rates for char shards and items.
  • WhipiT
    591 posts Member
    edited November 2015
    Ahh the generation of instant gratification. For get the days of patience, working hard and enjoying the final reward... I WANT IT NOW OR I'LL QUIT. I'm kidding. Sorta. Look guys the game is not even finished. Its obvious the investors pushed out an unfinished product to make it out before Christmas. Why would they design a game where you could get all the best characters in a month. If they did that people would race till the end, realize there isn't anything else to do and quit anyways.

    It's a game of progression over time hence the energy system, low shard drop rate and option to take the quick route and spend some money. And I mean no disrespect but for every customer that leaves due to instant gratification syndrome another player will take your place. This isn't Marvel Future fight with a bunch of kiddos playing, this is Star Wars with a huge motion picture incoming and a playerbase full of adults with paychecks. Once they finish the game they will have an abundance of cash flow to further develop the game. It will be huge. But good luck in your travels!! Say hello to wolverine for me:)
  • SnakeEyes
    16 posts Member
    edited November 2015
    WhipiT wrote: »
    Ahh the generation of instant gratification. For get the days of patience, working hard and enjoying the final reward... I WANT IT NOW OR I'LL QUIT. I'm kidding. Sorta. Look guys the game is not even finished. Its obvious the investors pushed out an unfinished product to make it out before Christmas. Why would they design a game where you could get all the best characters in a month. If they did that people would race till the end, realize there isn't anything else to do and quit anyways.

    It's a game of progression over time hence the energy system, low shard drop rate and option to take the quick route and spend some money. And I mean no disrespect but for every customer that leaves due to instant gratification syndrome another player will take your place. This isn't Marvel Future fight with a bunch of kiddos playing, this is Star Wars with a huge motion picture incoming and a playerbase full of adults with paychecks. Once they finish the game they will have an abundance of cash flow to further develop the game. It will be huge. But good luck in your travels!! Say hello to wolverine for me:)

    Lot of issues with your post: Not sure what generation you're referring to, but I'm not a part of it, probably older than most here, not that that is relevant, also no one said they want everything unlocked in the first week or month, my point is I've also played many similar games to this, and this 1.0 system feels skewed towards not enough shard drops per playing time. We all know the game is new and in development, so we, as fans and players can and should give this feedback so the developers can hear and adjust. Also, Marvel future FIght probably has a pretty large and diverse audience so there are probably players from all over the world and all ages playing. Also thanks but no thanks for your explanation of how this is a "game of progression over time, etc" I think we all got it. No condescension needed.
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    WhipiT wrote: »
    Ahh the generation of instant gratification. For get the days of patience, working hard and enjoying the final reward... I WANT IT NOW OR I'LL QUIT. I'm kidding. Sorta. Look guys the game is not even finished. Its obvious the investors pushed out an unfinished product to make it out before Christmas. Why would they design a game where you could get all the best characters in a month. If they did that people would race till the end, realize there isn't anything else to do and quit anyways.

    It's a game of progression over time hence the energy system, low shard drop rate and option to take the quick route and spend some money. And I mean no disrespect but for every customer that leaves due to instant gratification syndrome another player will take your place. This isn't Marvel Future fight with a bunch of kiddos playing, this is Star Wars with a huge motion picture incoming and a playerbase full of adults with paychecks. Once they finish the game they will have an abundance of cash flow to further develop the game. It will be huge. But good luck in your travels!! Say hello to wolverine for me:)

    LOL. You haven't played Heroes of Dragon Age then, have you? Capital Games will definitely follow a similar path that they did for HoDA. They like their packs to be priced out as the same as full fledged games, and that's an absolute joke. Anyone in their right mind would spend their money where they feel it has value, and CG has always been slow to balance issues, but quickly to add more heroes for people to spend money on. There will always be more to collect, and each new set of heroes will be a little more powerful than the previous. They understand value as temporary advantages that will be on a cycle of replacement to entice the player base to continue shelling out cash over time. I won't be spending a penny on a silly mobile game. Devs need to understand that mobile games are being ruined by macro-transactions. ($49.95 for a pack is NOT micro. Absolutely shameful money grabs.)
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    ruin3rr wrote: »
    LOL. You haven't played Heroes of Dragon Age then, have you? Capital Games will definitely follow a similar path that they did for HoDA. They like their packs to be priced out as the same as full fledged games, and that's an absolute joke. Anyone in their right mind would spend their money where they feel it has value, and CG has always been slow to balance issues, but quickly to add more heroes for people to spend money on. There will always be more to collect, and each new set of heroes will be a little more powerful than the previous. They understand value as temporary advantages that will be on a cycle of replacement to entice the player base to continue shelling out cash over time. I won't be spending a penny on a silly mobile game. Devs need to understand that mobile games are being ruined by macro-transactions. ($49.95 for a pack is NOT micro. Absolutely shameful money grabs.)

    Yeah would never spend 50 for a single pack either, I would think most people also would never consider this, but the debs of these games keep releasing packs similarly priced so they must have data to back up the pricing. I could see myself considering paying 50 to unlock every initial character in the game thus far at their current levels, then I could pick and choose who to level up as time went on, instead of being stuck pretty much with who they give you. One last complaint and then I'll stop, what is up with "Clone Wars" Chewbacca. Did they really need to put a Clone Wars variant of this character out there? I've seen just regular Chewbacca in some of the promotional screenshots, so I'm just waiting for them to drop that character who will be much better and a lot of money after everyone has leveled up the Clone Wars Variant. Am I missing something?
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    In my opinion, one of the biggest issues with the game...
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    I just reread this whole conversation today and I'm happy I'm not alone on this here. Some people make it out like I'm a person who is not satisfied and enjoys complaining and I really don't but I thought the purpose of the forum was to voice these concerns so that CG can look and take notes for future reference. Their pricing is totally in wacko land seriously when you see IAP for an Android game of this type being in the $50 and higher price range. I wonder what their stats are percentage-wise for people who actually spend this much on Android games?? If I could guess, it's less than 10% of the players with a game like SWGOH. They would have been better served profit wise if they charged $5 to buy the game and then just charged say $20 for that $100 vault of crystals. If they did that, probably around 30-40% would buy at least one vault and they would have made much more than they are with this greed setup that has players annoyed....
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    Have been wondering also, that people will lose interest, when getting character's takes that long. Also the prices are sky high! That 4.99e dark side starter pack gave you what, ONE character and something not that much COME ON!! :D
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    Agreed. When it takes 80 shards to get a character that you have to promote by getting more shards then you should be guaranteed shards per battle. It takes way too long the way it is. No matter how much you enjoy a game collecting all those shares will get old fast.
  • MachiiNe
    50 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Ive been playing since the U.S. release (two weeks) and now have 20 characters; two of which were 80 shard unlocks. Also, Bubba can be purchased easily through one of the table rewards. I also sit comfortably on 100 crystals daily with which I can spend on more resources.

    And I haven't spent any money, at all.

    And also, as an adult that has always enjoyed playing video games this one in particular is very refreshing. Instead of the millennial generation ruining an online game with their impatience and entitlement, their effectively paying for this game so that I don't have to. Brilliant EA; thank you.
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    I really don't see any problems with the drop rate..its RNG guys...some days i get more, some days i get less. Get a grip
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    Let's not mince words, the drop rate suck but I play and stay Freemium. I'd advise you never spend crystals on Chromium and other junk, only on simming and shard farming, my two cents..
  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    I like some level of the rarity of the items, but there is so much available when you start to do any kind of numbers about how much time it will take to gear, promote, and level any Hero you realise that there is something drastically missing from what every player wants f2p or not.

    We will never be able to collect every character and enjoy mixing them up to make fun or unique squads (whether for gameplay or franchise appreciation purposes), especially when you consider there will likely be more Heroes added on a semi regular basis.

    Even if the time playing required to get a decent sized arsenal was higher than most people are willing to take, the shear impossibility of it makes me question the design of the game. The rare exception of course is the people that have already spent several thousands on this game.

    Mechanically I like the fact a shard doesn't drop every battle. But the pace is far too slow for this to not be an issue.

    Personally I think the game would play better simply by; increasing the energy regen time and max limit proportionally; decreasing the mission costs and removing the counters on shard missions (let's face it farming gear is more critical anyway and this can be limited by energy costs and regen alone); and also increasing the crystal awards for Holotable activities so there is genuine consideration for saving crystals for packs or using them on the holotables. Also adding free and slow ways to grind for extra (minimal) energy would add gameplay for those looking for ways to play without limitations.

    Currently the only viable way to win any decent amount of crystals is at the top end of the arena where the contenders had to spend far more than they will ever get back to be there so early, and as time goes on, will struggle to stay.

    At the moment there will be very little repeat buys even from happy spending customers because the rewards scale very badly the longer you have played, and to some degree, the longer anyone has played.

    Currently paying simply gets you an accelerated start. The higher your level the less benefits you will get by spending anything.

    A paying customer from day one gets enough characters to maximise the rewards such as GW tokens ASAP. For example, I have won every war and only took a couple of days to get there. Exluding the very valuable credits and ability mats I've got sooner from GW rewards, thats 15 shards per day on quite a good selection of heroes.

    Same goes for the other tables, maxing rewards very quickly including the arena which I could rank top 10 (yes some players on other servers are lucky enough to rank on f2p, but not all, and certainly none on the top 50 of my server and that won't last as long).

    So all in all I've got much more than was just in the packs, which is the only reason I got them.

    Lets say it takes 3 weeks for any f2p players to catch up. Once they do there is far less incentive to spend, for either of us, becuase we are already maxing the rewards to get in game and at best I can get marginally better rewards from the Arena, in which one would be competing with random others that have unknowably deep pockets.

    Before buying anything, I wasted reward crystals on 4 chromium packs to find out if buying any was a viable option. It was immediately apparent. No way was I going to spend thousands to maybe get the characters I didn't even know I wanted yet, and/or potentially be left with Heroes I couldn't fully promote. That was an easy decision for me, and the longer time goes on the less people will consider chromium packs, which inevitably means big price reductions, and unhappy customers who blew big dollars on the game early for an unfair advantage (unfair to the big spender that is).

    On top of that, when I drop a full character I already have I do not receive the equal value of shards, so if I paid for packs early and got farmable heroes I can level, I will be cursing everytime I get a Bronzium drop and at best get half the shards it's worth instead because I already paid for it.

    If this were my game I would address these issues now because it will be much easier sooner rather than later and could save the game from extinction before reputation kills it.

    Another simple way to promote purchases would be to include access to a VIP PvP table based on a minimal monthly spend, with one free battle per day for everyone to entise f2pers, where the rewards are similar in value to Galactic Wars or higher, and only scale ever so slightly to the top performers, if at all.

    Other than that im going to enjoy what ever they bring to the table while it lasts :wink:
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
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    A valid argument indeed. I have complained and said my piece on this already. All I can add is hopefully, those locked tables will add to our game, along with some good new farmable characters...
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    The drop rate on shards and equipment is low, and often frustrating. I agree they should be adjusted but what would be better, IMO, is offer energy refill at reset time and level up. Also remove the counter on hard missions for farming shards, it's already limited by energy. Also keep energy refills at 50 crystals for 5 refills and 100 thereafter.
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    @Open_Palm52 I like your thoughts. I'll do 50 crystals to refill energy and get sim tickets... But not 100. I have the daily log in crystal award package.... Now what I winder is if they will make one that does 200 a day for $10. I'd do that. I'd also purchase individual characters. Like I'd pay 5-10 bucks to just unlock sidious outright vs 80 shards.
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    @Greeboy Looking forward to getting the Crystal subscription as I haven't had the option yet. I'm with you on purchasing characters outright. I'll never buy packs, too much bad experience with other games where I'd spend a substantial amount, only to end up with mediocre content at best. I doubt they'll sell individual characters, probably only bundles at a premium price. I won't tell you what I'd pay outright for Darth Maul, lol.

    On the topic of shard drops: After this morning, I can't complain overall, but the game has stopped giving me Dooku shards. I need 10 to star up and he simply will not drop. I must be close to 0/30 now. Sure wish I had the opportunity to buy him for $5 lol
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    I spammed one mission for Chewbacca shards. Spent 100 energy on 1 mission, got 1 shard. On top of that, that mission offered ability mats.. of which I got none. I've spent all of my energy on 1 mission to get the usual 5 or 5 items I need to upgrade a character's gear.. and got NONE.. or 1. To me this is a complete waste of a day. And with many days ending like this it gets harder and harder to find a reason to play the game. Now I've seen commenters say that people need instant gratification or need a game to be easy. That's not the case for me, I just want a game to be FUN and have something happen besides endless grind. This game started out strong but once you level into the late 30s and after it gets repetitive and tedious. I've said it before and I'll say it again... you have to REWARD PLAYERS FOR THE TIME THEY PUT IN. Happy players are more likely to spend money. Bored players leave the game. It's just logic.
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    I agree, Robobob. Your experience, as well as mine with Dooku, is not about wanting instant gratification, or things handed out for no effort. Once a game makes you feel like you're getting no return for time and resources spent, it's time to move on.

    Hopefully the game will have adjustments made as it moves forward. It alienated a lot of players by not giving crystal subcriptions and the opportunity to purchase a good character pack for $5. The entire player base is going to be getting the crystal subscription, so let's hope more adjustments will happen.

    I can agree that shards shouldn't fall like rain but not the low drop rate to the degree you, I and others are experiencing.
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    Just about all have good points in this thread, we mostly all seem to agree the drops are too stingy. I'm sure there is a big update coming in a couple days with all the force awakens characters they wanted to save until after the movie is out. hopefully they will do some re-balancing of shard and material drops.
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    Shard drop might be a bit too low but who are we to expect or even demand a higher drop rate.
    Do you people really think we are entitled to unlocking ALL chars within 6 months or so?
    It's a game that probably plays over many months, if not years.
    In similar games you aren't maxed out in a week, it's the point to keep growing and keep getting more chars.

    Also who says gaining characters is slow? Today I received free captain Phasma and the rewards on GW or Arena gets me an average of 10 shards per day for different characters.
    We are december now where there are rewards like Assaj shards, Luminara shards, Sidious shards etc.
    Who says they won't give other offers next month like Dooku shards and Baris shards i.e.

    Ive been playing Clash of clans for 2 years now, spend a lot of money on it but Im still not maxed out.
    Gamers are getting more lazy by the day. Generation do come in to play if you compare todays games with earlier games. The difficulty and grinding in this game compared to others is still decent.

    I don't get why people feel entitled to unlock characters at the speed they desire. If you wanna leave because of this, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Im sure there are enough players that are happy to keep playing over a longer course, knowing that it won't be easy to unlock toons.
    The reward if you finally did unlock a toon is only more satisfying if it took you a lot of work/grinding.

    I also recognize a lower droprate but who says this can't be changed in the future or different characters are being offered through rewards next month. Im playing for 2 weeks now and I have exactly 25 toons. If I get 1 toon per week I'm definately satisfied. That others aren't is in my opinion no excuse to demand higher droprates.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    It's now January and the shard drop rate still sucks. Just simmed X 6 at hard level for chance to get Luminara shard and came up empty.
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    All I'll add to this is, at my current weekly average for getting Rey shards to drop, it will take me til the 3rd week of August to unlock her and get her to 5*
  • SnakeEyes
    16 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Dooku is another character that EA charged for and then made the shard drops ridiculously low. I'm not asking for 10 a day but seriously out of the 6 chances a day for Dooku shards, I usually get 1 and 2 if I'm lucky. I've gotten three MAYBE once, seriously. And there have been plenty of days I've gotten 0 out of 6 tries. 6 tries x 12 energy = 72 energy for usually 1 shard or 2 tops. Ridiculous. And there are tons of folks running around with 5 or 6 star Dookus, so either these folks are using the infinite crystal hack or they drop incredible amounts of money on the game, I'm guessing the former Shard drop rate needs serious adjustment ASAP EA.
    Post edited by SnakeEyes on
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    I'm super excited. I'm already at 3/18 on Rey shards for the week. 5 shards this week is in the bag, I hope.
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